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393 items found for "scams on elderly"
- IRS Phone Scams on the Rise in Houston
It is tax time again, which means IRS scams are once again on the rise here in Houston and throughout Predictably, many of the victims of this scam are the elderly, since they are often the most vulnerable This insidious method works more often than you think, so we encourage you to talk to your elderly loved ones. If you are worried about yourself or elderly loved ones falling victim to these types senior scams, call
- How to Get Emergency Guardianship of an Elderly Parent in Texas
Seeking emergency guardianship through the courts is one way to legally gain decision-making ability We can help you understand the steps, file the paperwork, and ensure the best outcome for your loved one healthcare providers, and legal approvals: The Texas Adult Protective Services may be investigating elder While temporary guardians are able to protect their loved ones in the short term, permanent guardians We counsel guardianship needs, focusing on your loved one’s comfort, dignity, and best interests.
- The Importance of Elder Law for LGBTQ+ Seniors
Let’s explore the importance of elder law for LGBTQ+ seniors and how an experienced Houston elder law What Is Elder Law? Social Isolation and Discrimination One of the most significant challenges facing LGBTQ+ seniors is social The Role of Elder Law in Protecting LGBTQ+ Seniors Elder law can play an important role in protecting If you or a loved one need guidance in setting up an estate plan unique to your needs and wishes, Your
- What to Do If You Suspect Elder Financial Abuse
Elder financial abuse is a serious crime that affects millions of elderly adults each year. As people age, they may become more vulnerable to scams and financial exploitation, making them prime Persuading an elderly person to change their estate plan Signs of Elder Financial Abuse Elder financial abused, there are several steps you can take: Talk to the elderly person. By working together, we can help protect our elderly loved ones from financial exploitation.
- New Hampshire Sets Up Special Prosecutor for the Protection of Seniors
New Hampshire will soon have a full-time lawyer to investigate and prosecute crimes against the elderly for a temporary full-time prosecutor whose job it will be to focus on crimes and abuse against the elderly the passage last year of a new chapter in the state’s criminal code making financial exploitation of elderly One provision of the new law states that if a perpetrator knew the seniors didn’t have the mental faculties Reference: (April 10, 2016) “NH to strengthen elder protections” #ElderAbuse #ElderLaw
- Encourage Your Parents to Meet with a Houston Elder Law Attorney Early to Avoid Serious Complication
Unfortunately, many elderly people wait until they are already experiencing problems to meet with a Houston Without a plan in place, the family’s life can hit a tailspin when the elderly parent is diagnosed with The adult children suddenly become caregivers which can wreak havoc on their own family and the elderly Many elderly individuals tend to be very private about their finances. One way I have worked through this with families is to let the elder know that they can work with a qualified
- What Is a Trust Protector, and Do I Need One?
In reality, a trust is a relatively simple document: one person holds legal title to an asset for the
- Your Quick Guide to Trusts and the Benefits of Having One
Trusts, in fact, offer a simple way to transfer assets to your loved ones while avoiding probate. They are a great option for anyone hoping to avoid loved ones from going through probate proceedings. Your Legacy Legal Care can set up a charitable trust that allows you and your loved ones to retain the Does Everyone Need More Than Just One Trust? Many people have more than one trust; it just depends on what they need and what they are looking to
- Houston Elder Lawyer Answers, “When should I start planning for long-term care?”
One of the most frequently asked questions our Houston elder lawyers receive is, “When should we start Many people realize that long-term care is a rising concern for elderly individuals. At any point, any one of us could require long-term care. Just one accident could place you in long-term care facility for the reminder of your life. #ElderLaw #LongTermCarePlanning #Medicaid
- Becoming a Power of Attorney & What You Should Know!
Kim’s extensive experience in estate planning and elder law allows her to provide invaluable insights of these legal documents and empower you to make informed choices regarding your own or your loved one also thank them for everything they do to help make the transitions that may take place in our loved ones #ElderLaw #estateplanning #PowerofAttorney
- Legislation Introduced to Protect Financial Advisers from Calling in Potential Elder Abuse
The House of Representatives passed a bill recently seeking to protect elderly investors. Senate to “quickly follow suit,” as reported by in “Advisers May Get New Tools to Combat Elder firm supervisors would be immune from liability as long as they had received training on identifying elder Reference : (July 8, 2016) “Advisers May Get New Tools to Combat Elder Financial Abuse” # ElderAbuse #ElderLaw #FinancialFraud
Elder and Medicaid lawyers in Houston are tasked with a lot of responsibilities, but perhaps one of the there are so many considerations that can go into choosing just the right facility for you or a loved one When possible, however, planning ahead is one of the best things you can do to ensure you receive the For one thing, when decisions like this are put off, it often ends up falling on the senior’s children This is the place where you or your loved one will be living for an extended period of time, and you