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393 items found for "scams on elderly"

  • What the Heck is a Pooled Trust?

    When making decisions on care and insurance coverage for disabled and/or elderly loved ones, it is easy If your loved one with disabilities is a child, you need to ensure that they will be cared for in the A Trust is the best way to ensure your loved one with special needs keeps their care and assistance while needs community and understand the care and compassion needed to look after your special needs loved one Trust that is right for you or your family, we invite you to contact our Houston special needs and elder

  • Under What Circumstances Can a Person Be Appointed a Guardian in Texas?

    When both parents are deceased or even when one parent is deceased, you can file for guardianship over What Happens If a Guardian Is Not Appointed and a Situation Arises Where One Is Needed? incapacitated person does not have family or family that sees them regularly, there is potentially no one If no one is in place to ensure that the bills are getting paid, they are getting medications, and being Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling us today to ensure your loved one is

  • Dividing Assets When Divorcing

    While no one ever sets out to plan to get divorced, divorces are increasingly common in the United States When divorce happens, one of the most asked questions that people have undoubtedly has to do with their For many separating couples, dividing material assets is one of the most challenging parts of the divorce Even a vehicle owned by one spouse can be considered marital property. Typically, the easiest agreement involves one spouse buying out the other spouse, once these values have

  • The Inextricable Link Between Long-Term Planning and Freedom

    Planning is one of the most effective ways to mitigate that stress, so it goes without saying that long-term planning can have a similar effect on your estate and loved ones. You may not be able to prevent the worst-case scenarios of life from happening to you and your loved ones By preparing in advance, we are able to reduce the stress associated with the loss of a loved one, incapacity


    What would happen if loved ones suddenly could not make decisions for themselves? These are overwhelming questions to think about, but they are important ones. One is a Directive to Physicians and Family or Surrogates, which requires signing individuals to actually An experienced estate planning attorney can also help with elder law issues, VA and Medicaid planning also play a crucial role for families planning for the health and financial futures of their loved ones

  • Harris County Probate Lawyer: Issues to Consider with an Out-of-State Probate

    Cost of Probate Texas probate lawyers find that one of the biggest issues involving an out-of-state probate probate is out-of-state, it will still most likely be cheaper than hiring multiple attorneys to handle one with out-of-state probates is that every state has different laws of intestacy, meaning the heirs in one This is a very tricky situation and one where Texas probate attorneys urge their clients to proceed with

  • While Not Sexy, Life Insurance can Really Help with Estate and Financial Planning

    In reality, life insurance should be one of the first considerations when people evaluate their financial The goal is not to depend on life insurance in general or on any one particular type of life insurance Life insurance isn’t a “silver bullet” for all planning needs but is one tool among many to help people

  • Estate Planning Tips for Unmarried Couples

    Your relationship agreement also needs to state if one of you already owns property. That means if one partner dies, the other automatically will inherit the property. You also need to talk about which one of you will claim tax-deductible expenses, such as mortgage interest

  • Estate Planning Myths

    Estate planning serves to provide your family and loved ones with protection upon your passing, regardless Your will should let your loved ones know how you want your assets to be divided. experienced estate planning attorney to ensure your assets are covered and allocated to your loved ones

  • Why You Need a Medicaid Planning Lawyer for Your Estate Plan

    Will you or a loved one need long-term care soon? Diagnosis of a chronic illness — If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a chronic illness, such Need for long-term care — If you or a loved one needs long-term care for some other reason, planning Gifting Strategies Gifting strategies involve transferring assets to family members or loved ones to Doing so can ensure your assets are protected, and your estate is preserved for your loved ones.

  • How to Include NFTs in Your Estate Plans

    With enough forethought, you can include NFTs in your estate plan and ensure your heirs one day gain Putting NFTs in a trust is one thing; it is just as important to understand how intangible artwork can It is impossible to physically hand over an NFT to a loved one. By creating a digital estate plan, you minimize the stress your family and loved ones experience at the Consider every account, username, and login you might want your loved ones to have access to.

  • Answers to Question about Long-Term Care Insurance

    In-home care is when a certified professional visits the home or lives there with the elderly person Finally, the most important thing to know when choosing a policy is to select one that allows a cognitive #PayingforaNursingHome #HoustonLongTermCareInsuranceEstatePlanning #HoustonEstatePlanning #ElderLaw #

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