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259 items found for "nursing home"


    Setting yourself up for retirement or to simply live the lifestyle you want takes some effort, which If you need some guidance and direction, talk to a reputable Houston estate planning attorney to turn Credit Reports – Credit reports wield a lot of power, from what home you can buy to what job you can estate planning lawyer, it is imperative to make sure your family knows how to access it when the time comes Homeowner’s insurance – Homeowner’s insurance can seem like an unnecessary expense, but if something

  • Congratulations on starting your medical career! Now go protect your financial future!

    With the excitement of your new career, and maybe some anxiety about juggling your home life and work necessary to separate the assets of your “business” from those of your personal use (such as your family home

  • Family Gifts: What To Do & What Not To Do

    Unfortunately, though, there are some limitations on that sense of generosity when it comes to taxes and other factors to take into consideration when it comes to estate planning. It is no wonder that so many financial gifts aim to help first-time homebuyers put money down on their If your loved one is using the money you have gifted them to buy a home, do not forget to write a gift Or perhaps you see yourself buying a home and letting a loved one stay there for free.

  • Becoming an Informed Caregiver

    For some caregivers, the role of caring for a loved one is not always a choice. he grew up in a family caregiving culture beginning when his grandmother was moved into his family home She volunteered to take an assessment in her hometown and that assessment showed enough issues for Eddie When the time came to ask his aunt to move into his home, Eddie had the notes, telephone numbers, documentation So, I was fortunate to be raised in a home that had flexible roles – very strong and progressive.”

  • Navigating the Estate Planning Landscape

    Despite all the uncertainty, there have been some positive developments for taxpayers this year. Should the time come when you are unable to speak up about your preferences, you will be glad you outlined have been considering gifting your loved ones college tuition money or closing costs on their first home

  • New Hampshire Sets Up Special Prosecutor for the Protection of Seniors

    The state says part of the new effort will be to partner with home healthcare workers, Meals on Wheels

  • Family Matters: Legacy Planning for Adopted Children

    become incapacitated or pass away, an appointed guardian can take surviving minor children into their home It’s Time to Speak with an Experienced Estate Planning Attorney When it comes to blended families, it to consider the worst-case scenario, planning ahead can mitigate much of the stress and anxiety that comes

  • Guarding Your Estate Plans Against the Impact of Inflation

    While some experts believe our current inflation trends are the temporary result of pent-up pandemic In some communities, the cost of housing has surged more than 30 percent, while salaries have only increased That makes it difficult for more Americans to become homeowners. Let’s say you have $500,000 that you hope to leave to a disabled child for the purpose of buying a home By the time that $500,000 is inherited, it may not be enough to buy a home.

  • How to Remove Someone from Your Will in Texas

    spouse will still be entitled to a share of the combined marital property and to live in the marital home

  • Lost and Found in the Alzheimer’s Forest

    Are you having problems managing your home? Myth #1: “Home Is Always Better” When an aging loved one begins facing the challenges of a dementia diagnosis the first thought that family members have is that the loved one with dementia should remain in their home We built this home, we should stay in this home, and this is the best way. Sometimes it can be as easy as visiting their home or opening up their refrigerator.”

  • Will I Have To Go Under A Guardianship?

    supports and services like family support, residential facility placement such as memory care or group home

  • What is a Marital Trust and How does it work in Texas?

    trust works can help families plan their financial futures and protect their assets for generations to come In some arrangements, the surviving spouse can also access the trust's principal. Homestead Exemption: Texas offers strong protections for homestead properties, which are primary residences A marital trust can include a homestead, but specific provisions must be made to comply with Texas homestead Texas law provides certain rights to surviving spouses, including the right to remain in the marital home

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