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286 items found for "irrevocable trust"

  • Recalibrating Your Estate Plans After a Move

    for your trust. Trusts Remain the Same A revocable living trust that was validly prepared in one state is typically honored Still, you will want to review your trust and ensure it is up to date once you have moved. house in your new city, for instance, you will want to make arrangements to fund that asset in your trust A meeting with a trusted estate planning attorney at Your Legacy Legal Care can clarify your options.

  • Taking Care of Your Furry Friends When You Die

    Pet trusts and estate plans can be created to help your pets—along with some other legal options. To set aside some money, you can create a fund inside a trust and have that money managed for the pet Talk to an estate planning attorney about pet trusts and estate planning.

  • The Importance of Estate Planning for Young Families

    It involves creating a will, setting up trusts, and designating beneficiaries for your life insurance Estate planning ensures your children are cared for by those you love and trust. Set up trusts. Trusts are legal structures that allow you to transfer your assets to a trustee who manages them for You can name someone you trust to take care of your children in the event of your death.

  • How to Divvy Up Personal Assets Without Splitting Up the Family

    These types of situations can create great suspicion and irrevocably split families causing siblings Also, it is important that your executor or trustee secure your residence as soon as possible after death This can also be very important for your executor or trustee in order to distribute the assets.

  • Harris County Probate Lawyer: Issues to Consider with an Out-of-State Probate

    County probate lawyers use to get around an out of state probate include placing the property into a revocable living trust, owning the property jointly with someone else, or drafting a type of deed where the property

  • Make Sure the Kids Don’t Blow Their Inheritance

    A trust for children can be established in the parent’s will or other testamentary documents—like a revocable trust—which will be effective upon his or her death. Another way to do this is to create a trust in a separate trust document during the parent’s lifetime The parent will have to designate a trustee to administer the trust. and in accordance with the terms of the trust.

  • Why You Should Have an Estate Plan

    One way to plan for this situation is to make use of incentive trusts. These are a type of trust designed to encourage or disincentivize certain behavior. A special needs trust, on the other hand, may protect a beneficiary from losing government benefits or However, if they are a minor, it may be advisable to set up a trust that will allow the trustee to control Trusts allow you to control how your assets are distributed and can cover specific circumstances.

  • Poor Man’s Trusts Approved in California

    home avoid probate—without adding someone to the title while they were still alive—was by creating a trust Starting in 2016, homeowners who want to use the new option will simply sign an instrument called a Simple Revocable SimpleRevocableTransferonDeathDeed #Probate #ProbateCourt #Inheritance #PowerofAttorney #HoustonEstatePlanningLawyer #Trusts

  • How to Plan For a Kid Who Can’t Handle Finances

    When creating the trust, a trustee must be named. Rather, you might designate a trusted family friend or advisor as trustee, or you could use a financial institution that provides trust services. a fixed percentage of the assets each year from the trust. #Inheritance #Trusts

  • What Do I Do with My Powerball Millions and How Do I Keep it Quiet?

    asset search. (2) A Trust within a Trust. The trust within a trust requires two trusts: First, create a Claiming Trust. Although most revocable trusts use the Social Security Number of the grantor (i.e., you – the person Second, create a Bridge Trust. into the Bridge Trust.

  • Saving Money with Online Wills and Trusts can Result in More Expenses in Probate

    Online legal form providers don’t give clients the trust they can foster with an attorney. Reference: Indiana Lawyer (January 27, 2016) “Do-it-yourself dangers” #OnlineForms #ProbateAttorney #TrustsandEstates WillChanges #HoustonWills #Probate #ProbateCourt #Inheritance #PowerofAttorney #HoustonEstatePlanningLawyer #Trusts

  • Ensuring Your Legacy Through Estate Planning

    Trusts You can also name a charity as a trust beneficiary or create a trust specifically for a charitable Charitable Remainder Trust: With this trust, you or people you designate can receive the trust income Charitable Lead Trust: Conversely, with this trust, charities you designate can receive the trust income for the trust term. Incentive Trusts: While not a specific type of trust, an incentive trust refers to using incentive clauses

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