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Estate Planning Attorneys

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284 items found for "financial abuse"


    They cover only health care decisions; other documents can be created to help with financial decisions These legal documents can also play a crucial role for families planning for the health and financial

  • Essential Guide to Estate Planning in Texas

    include: Statutory Durable Power of Attorney: This document allows you to appoint someone to manage your financial Durable Power of Attorney is a legal document that gives someone you trust the authority to handle your financial They should be trustworthy, responsible, and capable of handling financial matters. Don't hesitate to ask for referrals from friends, family, or financial advisors.

  • Is Regifting My Inheritance Tacky?

    Some financial assets like the family business could work to earn you an income until your retirement Your Financial Advisor May Recommend Keeping Your Assets Low Have you ever heard of an inheritance tax Financial advisors may inform you to only accept inheritance to avoid the burden of paying taxes. reviewing your estate plan with an experienced estate planning attorney, some assets simply have no financial

  • Accumulating Income in the Decumulation Phase of Life: Retirement

    Retired households with at least $100,000 in financial assets save 31% of their income, on average, according Saving is becoming a bigger part of retirees’ financial plans, especially with defined-benefit pension

  • 4 Genius Ways to Avoid Probate in Texas

    Designating Beneficiaries on Financial Accounts By designating beneficiaries on your financial accounts It’s important to note that the rules and options for adding beneficiaries may vary depending on the financial

  • Florida Leads with Elder Abuse Guardianship Legislation

    on how to proceed, a judge has the authority to appoint a professional guardian to make decisions on finances The bill, which has passed the Senate, received support from advocate group Americans Against Abusive

  • Starting the Long-Term Care Planning Process

    Growing older is a fact of life, and yet many families are not prepared to face the financial challenges We recommend all of our long-term care planning clients begin by assessing their finances, their health

  • Prenup Isn’t a Four-Letter Word

    However, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette says in a recent article, “Financial planners: Prenuptial agreements It should be done well in advance of the wedding, and when considering a prenuptial agreement, the fiancée Reference: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (July 29, 2016) “Financial planners: Prenuptial agreements shouldn

  • January Is for Seniors On Medicare

    This can be a significant financial burden, especially for those on a fixed income. If they can, it will make a significant impact on the financial burden of seniors when it comes to prescription

  • Is Whole Life Insurance Right for You?

    Check on the financial strength ratings of the insurance companies you’re comparing. Talk with your estate planning attorney about your overall finances and how life insurance fits into

  • Estate Plan Vs. Will: What’s the Difference?

    good estate planning attorney will tell you that you likely need more than just a will to ensure your financial substantial gifts to beneficiary designations while you are still alive, organizing investments, and other financial Our attorneys can also help you establish a financial power of attorney to oversee your wishes.

  • Do You Need an Estate Plan If You Are Single?

    Tying the knot and having kids can change your finances significantly. Similarly, financial power of attorney designations allow another individual to assist with legal and financial decisions, like paying your bills or accessing your bank account.

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