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287 items found for "pet trusts"

  • 4 Genius Ways to Avoid Probate in Texas

    Establish a Revocable Living Trust You can easily avoid probate in Texas by setting up a revocable living trust. With a revocable living trust, you have full control over your assets during your lifetime, and they The successor trustee can manage the trust assets without court intervention. Protection against challenges: Revocable living trusts can help minimize the risk of legal challenges

  • Why You Should Have an Estate Plan

    One way to plan for this situation is to make use of incentive trusts. These are a type of trust designed to encourage or disincentivize certain behavior. A special needs trust, on the other hand, may protect a beneficiary from losing government benefits or However, if they are a minor, it may be advisable to set up a trust that will allow the trustee to control Trusts allow you to control how your assets are distributed and can cover specific circumstances.

  • Make Sure the Kids Don’t Blow Their Inheritance

    trust—which will be effective upon his or her death. Another way to do this is to create a trust in a separate trust document during the parent’s lifetime The parent will have to designate a trustee to administer the trust. and in accordance with the terms of the trust. For example, the trust can set forth the terms of distribution.

  • The Procrastinator’s Guide to Estate Planning

    Providing instructions as to how to care for minor children or pets can be an immense weight off the documents established will allow you to make your wishes known when it comes to minor children and pets

  • Poor Man’s Trusts Approved in California

    home avoid probate—without adding someone to the title while they were still alive—was by creating a trust SimpleRevocableTransferonDeathDeed #Probate #ProbateCourt #Inheritance #PowerofAttorney #HoustonEstatePlanningLawyer #Trusts

  • Bitter Fight for Media Mogul’s Billions

    Redstone’s interest in the two media companies is governed by an irrevocable trust. When Redstone dies or is no longer able to oversee his affairs, a group of trustees will assume decision-making This lawsuit doesn’t challenge the authority of the trust or control of the two media companies.

  • How to Plan For a Kid Who Can’t Handle Finances

    When creating the trust, a trustee must be named. Rather, you might designate a trusted family friend or advisor as trustee, or you could use a financial institution that provides trust services. a fixed percentage of the assets each year from the trust. #Inheritance #Trusts

  • What Do I Do with My Powerball Millions and How Do I Keep it Quiet?

    The term “blind trust” has morphed to include a trust or entity that attempts to hide the true ownership asset search. (2) A Trust within a Trust. The trust within a trust requires two trusts: First, create a Claiming Trust. Second, create a Bridge Trust. into the Bridge Trust.

  • How Often Do You Need to Update Your Estate Planning?

    an adult Death or disability of someone named in the estate Death or disability of your executor or trustee A comprehensive estate plan may also include a revocable living trust . A living trust allows someone to take ownership of your assets while you are still alive and distributes With this type of trust, you would still be able to manage your assets while living. From creating or updating your will or helping to establish trusts , we are here to help with all aspects

  • Saving Money with Online Wills and Trusts can Result in More Expenses in Probate

    Online legal form providers don’t give clients the trust they can foster with an attorney. Reference: Indiana Lawyer (January 27, 2016) “Do-it-yourself dangers” #OnlineForms #ProbateAttorney #TrustsandEstates WillChanges #HoustonWills #Probate #ProbateCourt #Inheritance #PowerofAttorney #HoustonEstatePlanningLawyer #Trusts

  • Ensuring Your Legacy Through Estate Planning

    Trusts You can also name a charity as a trust beneficiary or create a trust specifically for a charitable Charitable Remainder Trust: With this trust, you or people you designate can receive the trust income Charitable Lead Trust: Conversely, with this trust, charities you designate can receive the trust income for the trust term. Incentive Trusts: While not a specific type of trust, an incentive trust refers to using incentive clauses

  • Saving Money with Online Wills and Trusts can Result in More Expenses in Probate

    Online legal form providers don’t give clients the trust they can foster with an attorney. WillChanges #HoustonWills #Probate #ProbateCourt #Inheritance #PowerofAttorney #HoustonEstatePlanningLawyer #Trusts

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