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459 items found for "tax planning"

  • Estate Planning When You Have a Stepfamily

    could not make you both any closer, so it is only fair that you make provisions for him in your estate plan A blended family estate planning attorney is just what you need. Frequently Asked Questions About Estate Planning for a Stepfamily I married someone with a child but Stepparents will not inherit unless specific provisions are laid out in an estate plan. Consult with an estate planning professional at Your Legacy Legal Care about setting up a trust that

  • Media Mogul Has Estate Planning Mess

    that he has a fortune estimated at more than $5 billion, Sumner Redstone could hire the best estate planning The New York Times’ article, “In Sumner Redstone Affair, His Decline Upends Estate Planning,” explains Regardless the size of their net worth, a good number of those people will consult with estate planning However, sometimes no amount of legal advice can save people from their unwillingness to make plans for Reference: New York Times (June 6, 2016) “In Sumner Redstone Affair, His Decline Upends Estate Planning

  • The Importance of Estate Planning: Gen-Z Edition

    For Generation Z, COVID-19 has been something of a rude awakening to the realities of estate planning While it might once have seemed like a task to put off until retirement, estate planning is now considered Without a clear plan for those assets in place, however, their safety could become jeopardized. While you might feel like life is just starting, making plans for the end of your life should not be Having an estate plan in place will allow you to enjoy life, knowing your loved ones and assets will

  • Estate Planning During a Divorce: 4 Key Considerations

    You have planned your life carefully. Most likely, you are also each named as beneficiaries on the other’s retirement plan. However, there is one thing you did not plan for: divorce. What happens to your estate plan now? the most important part of your plan during a divorce. who drew up the joint plan for both you and your spouse.

  • How to Include NFTs in Your Estate Plans

    The Connection Between NFTs and Estate Plans If you are considering venturing into the world of NFTs, With enough forethought, you can include NFTs in your estate plan and ensure your heirs one day gain By creating a digital estate plan, you minimize the stress your family and loved ones experience at the The creation of such plans can also guard against risks like identity theft, fraud, and hacking. An estate planning professional can guide you through recommendations and important next steps to take

  • Estate Planning Changes for LGBT Couples

    The ruling lets same-sex couples file jointly for tax purposes and changes estate planning because now This means that estate planning should be straightforward and much easier. The Huffington Post article, “5 Estate Planning Tips LGBT Families Need to Follow in 2016,” has a handful final arrangements should also be detailed while you are alive and should be included in your estate plan Reference: Huffington Post (July 13, 2016) “5 Estate Planning Tips LGBT Families Need to Follow in 2016

  • Starting the Long-Term Care Planning Process

    The sooner you start planning for your long-term care, the better. Read on to learn more about how to start planning for the rest of your life. What is Long-Term Care Planning? What Steps Should I Take to Get the Long-Term Care Planning Process Started? Questions About Long-Term Care Planning?

  • Understanding Capacity Requirements for Estate Planning in Texas

    In Texas, to create a proper estate plan, you must have the necessary mental capacity to execute a legal Is there an already established estate plan in question that concerns you?  a valid will or estate plan. What Happens if a Person Signs Estate Planning Documents Without Testamentary Capacity? Our estate planning attorneys understand the intricacies of trust and estate planning in Texas and can

  • Ensuring Your Legacy Through Estate Planning

    do not have to limit your plans to only financial matters. You can also use estate planning to pass on your values and highlight your principles. gifts as part of their estate plan. estate planning attorney. Protect Your Legacy with an Estate Planning Lawyer in Houston If you are revising an estate plan or just

  • Ways for Grandparents to Fund Their Grandkid’s College

    Some of the benefits of a 529 savings plan are that you can use the annual exclusion gift, now set at If you put the funds in 529 plans, you still have control of them as the owner of the account, and you A 529 plan is only designed to pay qualified secondary educational expenses. If you decide on these educational accounts, you should open a separate 529 plan for each child. An estate planning attorney can help evaluate if a trust is a better option all around.

  • Houston Business Lawyer: Succession Planning for Your Small Business is Crucial for its Survival

    By engaging in Succession Planning, the small business owner can ensure that his or her wishes are followed Not only does this kind of planning make for an easier transition on those left behind, but it also saves Your small business is a part of your estate, and just like your home and other assets, planning needs By planning in advance, you can take advantage of Section 303 and Section 6166 of the tax codes. owner has made plans for their implementation.

  • What to Know About Estate Planning After a Divorce

    While most estate plans include clauses that cover events such as divorce, your estate plan will not changing so is your estate plan. If you established an estate plan early in their life, it is best to review your existing plan and update Do you plan on getting remarried? These are all things to consider when updating your estate plan post-divorce.

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