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393 items found for "scams on elderly"

  • Jayhawk State Has Special Estate Recovery Rules

    Some property is termed by Medicaid officials as “exempt” property—to include one vehicle, limited life It can also include property that was transferred away within one year of death. Talk to a qualified elder law attorney who is familiar with how to plan for the possibility of estate MedicaidTrustPlanning #MedicaidPlanning #MedicaidPlanningLawyer #Probate #MedicaidNursingHomePlanning #ElderLaw

  • Hedge Your Bets with Long-Term Health Care Planning

    Long-term care planning is something most Americans fail to do for themselves or for their loved ones Options for elderly people who need constant medical care include nursing homes and assisted living facilities That can add up quickly if your loved one needs eight to twelve hours of care every day and there’s no Always a great option: talking to an elder law attorney to learn about protecting your loved ones and

  • New Hampshire Solves Power of Attorney Issue

    If there’s more than one surrogate candidate at the same priority level, it becomes their combined responsibility to make a reasonable effort to come to a decision on their loved one’s care. ProbateCourt #LeagueCityWills #Inheritance #ClearLakeEstatePlanningLawyer #PowerofAttorney #Trusts #ElderLaw

  • Come On, Do I Really Need a Will?

    Also, a will or a trust will let you name someone to watch over assets for a disabled or elderly family Otherwise, your one-half interest in your community estate will pass to your children. Without a will, a pet can wind up in a shelter after you die if no one takes responsibility for it. A will can also help elderly parents avoid losing government benefits if you predecease them.

  • Trust a Trust Attorney with Your Trust

    Transfers: Talk to an Elder Law attorney to learn about Medicaid guidelines that are applicable for your In addition, if you or a loved one is a veteran or the widow of a veteran, have the Elder Law attorney One last note: don’t place your faith in an Internet search for answers to your unique situation.


    The Special Needs Trust It is not enjoyable to think about how your loved one will continue on without Instead, getting to know how your assets can be used to continue to care for your loved one is incredibly The special needs trust is one of the best tools you can use. . · Naming a Trustee – This person will manage the assets of the trust for your loved one’s financial support. · Providing Instruction – As the primary caregiver, you have more insight into your loved one

  • Important Steps to Complete a Medicaid Application

    One of the main ways that Medicaid helps today’s in-need seniors is by helping them with the costs of Long-term care for the elderly and disabled can be extremely expensive, and most people aren’t sure of One of the main reasons that Medicaid applications get denied is because applicants do not provide enough

  • Planning Ahead for Medicaid

    PayingforaNursingHome #GiftTax #MedicaidPlanningLawyer #CapitalGains #LifeInsurance #MedicaidNursingHomePlanning #ElderLaw

  • The High Cost of Dementia

    Talk with an experienced elder law attorney about care for the elderly, Medicaid, and dementia.

  • The Benefits of Choosing a Dementia-Focused Law Firm

    with this growing condition, so families can focus on spending time with and caring for their loved one , it is important to look for an elder law attorney that can help place your loved one into the right When a loved one begins to lose cognitive function, we understand the hardships on both the loved one her grandparents had to face, and she was inspired to become a dementia-focused estate planning and elder To learn how Your Legacy Legal Care can provide you and your loved ones with the elder care and dementia

  • Houston Special Needs Lawyer: Basics of a Special Needs Trust

    For families that have loved ones with a disability, ensuring the care for their loved one once the A Special Needs Trusts is the best way to ensure your loved one with disabilities keeps their care and ignore the assets in the Special Needs Trust as they are not directly owned by your special needs loved one the special needs community and understand the care and compassion needed to look after your loved one If you have any questions about how a Special Needs Trust can benefit you and your loved ones, please

  • Understanding Capacity Requirements for Estate Planning in Texas

    Are you concerned about the testamentary capacity of your loved one? One of the following must be true: You are at least 18 years old You are or have been legally married Testamentary Capacity In addition to the legal requirements, under Texas Estate Code, one must be of If your loved one has a medical diagnosis of dementia, Alzheimer’s, or other illness that may affect However, if one does not already exist and they do not have the mental capacity to sign one now, you

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