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Estate Planning Attorneys

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345 items found for "health insurance"

  • Modifying Estate Plans After a Serious Illness

    By creating a lasting legacy for yourself, you can ensure the easiest possible future for your loved Nobody knows what the future holds, but when your health is on the line, it is important to take action Estate plans can help ensure your wishes are respected should you become incapacitated or pass away. Update Beneficiary Designations When you opened your retirement account or life insurance policy, you experienced team at Your Legacy Legal Care has the knowledge to help you understand your options and ensure


    Whether health or life changes have impacted someone’s ability to perform the task, an official change If this person is in poor physical health or is beginning to suffer from dementia, for example, it is

  • Houston Elder Lawyer: Extra VA Benefits Are Available for Wartime Veterans to Help Pay for Long-Term Care

    in the Greater Houston area struggle to pay for the costs associated with aging and their declining health The VA will look to ensure that you: Are permanently and totally disabled, or 65 or older The veteran

  • Which Will is the Right Fit? Breaking Down the Basic Types

    Meeting these elements of a valid will ensures the document accurately reflects your intent and will assets or complex estate plans, a customized formal will crafted by a probate attorney is ideal to ensure Purchasing Property outside of Texas – ensure your will is valid under the laws of states where you own Health Changes – updating is wise if diminished health requires more care oversight for heirs. Contact us at Your Legacy Legal Care™ in Texas anytime to evaluate changes and ensure the courts properly

  • Exploring Long-Term Care

    , quotes the National Institute of Health (NIH), which states that what’s termed long-term care (LTC) when elder care doesn’t mean admission to a facility, caregiving demands may make paid LTC with a home health Beyond an individual’s personal savings, long-term care insurance is available with many options and LTC insurance will typically cover care not covered by health insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid. LTC insurance can also eliminate the burden on family members who would be providing this care.

  • How Do Special Needs Trusts (SNT) Work?

    It’s hard enough to cover their health costs, let alone figure out their finances should something happen establishing a legally compliant SNT requires the help of a special needs estate planning attorney to ensure special needs trusts include court settlements, inheritances, assets from divorce proceedings, life insurance to Draft the Trust Only a properly drafted SNT by an experienced special needs planning attorney can ensure

  • Look out: Medicare Changes on the Way!

    Reference: (June 22, 2016) “Social Security COLA Projected for 2017” #Insurance #Medicare #SocialSecurity

  • Judge Orders Psychiatric Evaluation of Aging Media Mogul

    She also was removed as the lead agent on his Advance Health Care Directive a short time later and replaced She called Redstone a “living ghost” in her lawsuit, who started on a dramatic decline in health when

  • How to Get the Best Healthcare When Incapacitated by COVID-19

    An advanced directive is an order to your health care provider directing your provider, family, or surrogate decision-maker to manage your health care if you become incapacitated and can no longer communicate dies or is no longer capable of making these decisions for you; or You receive a serious or terminal health Having a plan in place if you become incapacitated is an excellent way to ensure that you receive the best health care possible, according to your wishes, if you become seriously ill with COVID-19.

  • The Importance of Estate Planning for Young Families

    Having a plan in place can ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and your Let’s explore why estate planning for young families is essential, what steps you can take to ensure It involves creating a will, setting up trusts, and designating beneficiaries for your life insurance Estate planning ensures your children are cared for by those you love and trust. Beneficiary designations for your life insurance policies and retirement accounts ensure that the funds

  • Create a Road Map for the Care of Your Special Needs Child

    This expert will help you with all of the rules for public benefits that provide income, health care, Parents with some wealth also need to preserve their child’s eligibility for these benefits.

  • Accumulating Income in the Decumulation Phase of Life: Retirement

    You should think about minimizing your tax liability as you continue to accumulate wealth throughout You can look at a detailed calculator to factor in your health, family history and lifestyle to give

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