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259 items found for "nursing home"

  • Estate Issues Look to be Settled for Media Mogul Redstone

    Herzer says that Shari “brainwashed” her father and that she worked in concert with Redstone’s nurse

  • Judge Orders Psychiatric Evaluation of Aging Media Mogul

    Also, the exam won’t be recorded and is to include only those nurses or speech therapists who regularly The judge ruled that Herzer “should be entitled to have at least some access to the person about whom

  • Singles are People Too and Need to Save for Retirement

    Against these challenges, however, here are some great ideas for singles: Start early. Nursing homes currently run in excess of $90K a year, and around-the-clock home care can be as much as About 70% of adults aged 65 and older will require some type of long-term care at some point in their If you’re single, purchase a long-term care insurance policy to cover nursing-home or home-care costs Get some documentation in order.

  • Private Medicaid Managers Criticized for Slow Payments

    One state’s private Medicaid managers are coming under scrutiny for failing to pay bills on time. Iowa’s warning: if private Medicaid managers don’t improve their processes, some service providers could Hospitals, nursing homes, mental health agencies and other service providers have been complaining for some time that the management companies aren’t paying bills quickly and accurately, but three companies Many of the complaints are from Democratic legislators, but some Republicans have also raised concerns—such

  • How to Keep the Vacation Home in the Family

    Another option is to pass down the home through a trust, which can help alleviate some of the resentment Vacation homes can be expensive. A key consideration is whether to set aside additional money to cover the home’s ongoing costs. That’s enough to pay for the home in the short term. Keeping the vacation home in your family may not be possible.

  • Singles are People Too and Need to Save for Retirement

    Against these challenges, however, here are some great ideas for singles: Start early. Nursing homes currently run in excess of $90K a year, and around-the-clock home care can be as much as About 70% of adults aged 65 and older will require some type of long-term care at some point in their If you’re single, purchase a long-term care insurance policy to cover nursing-home or home-care costs Get some documentation in order.

  • Careful Planning for Blended Families is a Must

    When a spouse dies, the surviving spouse may feel some sort of real or perceived threat from their step-children Wills are in many instances signed at the last minute in hospital rooms or nursing homes.

  • Planning for Future Healthcare Costs

    If you retire before that time, you will need some form of health insurance to help cover medical expenses Consider Long-term Care Options At some point in most people’s lives, long-term care will be necessary Long-term care insurance can help cover costs if you or your spouse need in-home care or residence in a long-term care community such as skilled nursing or memory care.

  • Some Surprising Expenses in Retirement

    on four retirement expenses that may catch you by surprise—and steps you can take to still come out Some people, in years where they have a large income, will often be victims of the “donut hole” of Medicare and understand that retirement may cost double or triple what it does when you start to retire. 4: Home One option may be to sell the home and move to a spot with less upkeep. If you decide to stay put, you need to save for basic house maintenance as the home ages.

  • Use a Reverse Mortgage to Buy a Home

    You may have heard of using a reverse mortgage to tap into home equity and using that money to stay in a longtime home. use a reverse mortgage to buy a home. In a reverse mortgage, the bank pays you a predetermined percentage of your home value. If you get a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage—backed by the FHA—the maximum home value you can borrow

  • Come On, Do I Really Need a Will?

    However, there are some financial advisers that now say many Americans might not need a will. Whether you have prized possessions or you want to bequeath some of your estate to the local animal rescue

  • West Virginia Hoping to Keep Medicaid Going

    in an informational presentation, according to The Pineville WV Independent Herald article, “WVAHC hoping Reference: The Pineville WV Independent Herald (July 26, 2016) “WVAHC hoping to preserve Medicaid” #ElderCare

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