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Estate Planning Attorneys

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284 items found for "financial abuse"

  • How to Access Safety Deposit Boxes When the Owner Dies

    A safety deposit box is a secure container that can be rented from banks or other financial institutions documents that establish ownership of the safety deposit box and who has rightful access to it Notify financial institutions or banks about the death of the safety deposit box owner Receive instructions from the financial affidavit proving one’s identity and relationship to the deceased Any additional documents requested by the financial In some cases, it may require additional paperwork from banks or other financial institutions.

  • 7 Surprising Facts You Should Know About Being an Agent Under a Power of Attorney

    They can buy your groceries, water your plants, and even make financial decisions for you which is why Suppose one were to execute a power of attorney for financial matters with more than one agent, one for In that case, the authorized agents are limited to making financial transactions involving only those This means they must be of sound mind and capable of making their own decisions regarding financial and It gives someone else temporary control over your finances, assets, or medical decisions while still


    estate planning attorney recommend women keep in mind: Estate Planning Tips for Women #1: Appoint a Financial Should you become unable to manage your own finances because of age, injury, illness, etc. this document Appointing a financial representative while you are in good health means that you have a say in what

  • Why Estate Planning Is Essential for Unmarried Couples

    Statutory Durable Power of Attorney This appoints an agent to act on your behalf for financial and legal Without it, if you become disabled or unable to manage your affairs for a period of time, your finances It permits the person (or people) you name to manage your financial affairs and it allows you to avoid

  • Don’t Be Shy: Talk to Parents About the Future

    example, a man’s father, who recently was diagnosed with dementia, couldn’t remember where his money or financial article, “Long-Term Care and Wealth Planning for Aging Parents,” points out some of the most important financial Some folks have difficulty talking about who’ll make financial decisions on behalf of parents if they

  • Planning your Financial Future after a Second “I Do”

    Get a financial plan first,” says that many folks do little planning, and that ends up increasing the Get a financial plan first” #AssetProtection #ProbateAttorney #ElectiveShare #Probate #ProbateCourt #

  • Do I Need a Prenup?

    A recent Business Insider’s article, “Ask a Financial Planner: ‘What should I include in a prenup?’ Reference: Business Insider (April 17, 2016) “Ask A Financial Planner: ‘What should I include in a prenup

  • Will I Have To Go Under A Guardianship?

    guardianship is a legal process where a court appoints someone to manage an individual’s personal or financial Another example would be a parent who is aging and develop dementia, that can no longer manage their finances

  • What Are the Different Types of Trusts in Houston, Texas?

    trust can help avoid probate, provide privacy, and even protect your loved ones from creditors or poor financial It offers ongoing financial support while preserving access to assistance programs. 4. They are often used to manage assets for minor children or financially inexperienced beneficiaries. Spendthrift Trusts A spendthrift trust safeguards beneficiaries who may struggle with financial management This trust structure provides financial security and preserves wealth across multiple generations while

  • Navigating High-Profile Guardianship Matters in Texas: A Guide to Avoiding Legal Turmoil

    impact the lives and well-being of individuals that have been deemed unable to manage their personal and financial to the Application filed by Cary, is allegedly incapacitated and unable to make her own medical and financial Reviewing Your Estate Plan Regularly reviewing estate planning documents is a cornerstone of responsible financial Life events such as marriages, births, divorces, or changes in financial status can significantly impact

  • How Often Do You Need to Update Your Estate Planning?

    disability of your executor or trustee A name change of someone in your estate plan A significant change in financial Financial Power of Attorney, which gives someone the ability to manage your financial affairs and financial

  • Create a Road Map for the Care of Your Special Needs Child

    disabilities need to be especially vigilant with their estate planning to guarantee their child’s secure financial Adults with severe disabilities are living longer than ever, so it’s critical to create a financial plan However, the other children could run into financial trouble of their own or may have a change of heart

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