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393 items found for "scams on elderly"

  • Sacramento County Cracking Down on Elder Abuse

    greater public awareness of these crimes, more baby boomers retiring, and the ease of perpetrating scams A Met Life report called financial scams against the elderly “the crime of the 21st century.” Another is technological, with scam artists leveraging the internet to make phone calls that appear to In addition to these efforts, financial institutions have become more aware of scams against the elderly But scams are now more sophisticated, and the elderly are often lonely and more apt to engage with people

  • Las Vegas Forms Special Team to Prosecute Crimes Against the Elderly

    Nevada classifies elderly people as older than 60. Attorney’s Office prosecution team will be staffed by deputies who will then be able to detect and process elder District Attorney Wolfson believes that giving responsibility for elder abuse cases to these two deputy Reference: (November 5, 2015) “Prosecutor setting up team to handle elder abuse cases” #HoustonElderAbuse

  • The Cost of Caregiving

    One report puts the annual value of unpaid caregiving just for the elderly at $522 billion. Discuss roles with your siblings as soon as you realize that your parent or elderly relative needs help Recently, some employers have begun programs that educate employees on elder-care resources and create The stress of working a full-time job while caring for an elderly relative can be overwhelming, and if

  • Mom Might Have Dementia, Can She Still Write a Will in Texas?

    If your elderly parent is becoming more forgetful or is demonstrating other unusual behavior, you should symptoms are very vague, but if caught early, there are steps that you can take to improve your loved one #Dementia #ElderCare #ElderLaw #estateplanning

  • Alternatives to Joint Tenancy

    When two people hold title to property that way, if one of them passes away, then the property automatically If one of the owners is in debt, his or her creditors may be able to go after the property held jointly in “ Best Ways To Title Your Assets — Avoid Traps ,” including: Convenience Accounts – Sometimes an elderly

  • Protecting the Vulnerable: Texas Laws Concerning Guardianship

    children whose parents have died or are not physically or emotionally up to the task, or because they are elderly old English novels wards are often orphaned children, most current cases of guardianship concern an elderly

  • Asset Protect That Doesn’t Depend On Your Aim

    That Doesn’t Depend On Your Aim – There’s an old saying that goes something like, “God made man, but Sam We also help protect elderly clients from scam artists by drafting power of attorney documents that allow Financial issues are the number one reason couples fight, so getting them out into the open relieves

  • Private Medicaid Managers Criticized for Slow Payments

    One state’s private Medicaid managers are coming under scrutiny for failing to pay bills on time. care providers testified that they have had to borrow money to make their payrolls, and the CEO of one Moines Register (July 26, 2016) “Pay Medicaid bills quickly, legislators tell managers” #ElderCare #ElderLaw

  • Arizona Steps Up to Fight Elder Abuse

    According to the National Center on Elder Abuse, only one in 14 cases are reported. The 2008 recession caused a new kind of vulnerability for the elderly. between 4,600 and 6,900 seniors will experience some type of abuse every year, according to the Arizona Elder Reference: Cronkite News (March 2, 2016) “Abuse of Arizona’s elderly increases as aging population grows ” #AssetProtection #ElderLaw #HoustonElderAbuse

  • Florida Leads with Elder Abuse Guardianship Legislation

    There were only 108 in 2003, but that number grew to 457 last year, according to the Department of Elder

  • Medicaid Planning Mistakes: What Not to Do

    Medicaid rules are designed to protect and shield the assets of the elderly. You can avoid this common mistake by having a discussion with your loved ones and an experienced Medicaid That is where an experienced elder law attorney can help. if you are sure you understand all of your planning options, scheduling a strategy session with an elder To schedule a strategy session with one of our experienced elder law and Medicaid attorneys today, call

  • Michigan Latest to Enact Digital Assets Legislation for Loved Ones

    ” said a lobbyist who testified before a House committee reviewing the legislation on behalf of the Elder This model law was endorsed by Google, Facebook, the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA),

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