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155 items found for "retirement"

  • To Convert or Not to Convert My IRA to a Roth. That is the Question.

    In order to save for retirement, some individuals are considering converting their traditional IRAs to business professional currently in a low tax bracket expecting to be in a higher tax bracket when you retire taxes (or it has lower income-tax rates) and plan to move to a state with higher tax rates for your retirement You want to enjoy limits on how much your Social Security retirement income is taxed, as up to 85% can business professional currently in a higher tax bracket expecting to be in a lower bracket when you retire

  • What Will Happen if I Don’t Update my Beneficiaries?

    automatically terminate your ex’s beneficiary designation on separate documents like your employer-sponsored retirement If, in your retirement plans, you named your spouse as the primary beneficiary, he or she has the right to transfer all or part of the retirement assets into his or her own IRA account after your death. Tax laws also detail how retirement plan assets must be distributed to your beneficiaries at your passing

  • Dividing Assets When Divorcing

    Typically, most couples struggle with homes, vehicles, retirement benefits, household items, and valuables Take Your Time with Family Businesses and Retirement Benefits Two of the most difficult assets to split are retirement benefits and family businesses. Retirement benefits don’t always just go to the individual who received these benefits through their

  • Can You Believe That 10,000 Baby Boomers Turned 65 Today?

    Private insurance and Medicare won’t pay for assisted living, continuing care in retirement communities Medicaid will cover long-term care, but qualifying can be challenging for many retirees and guidelines The average person enters retirement with a median $131,000 in retirement savings.

  • Estate Planning Checklist for the Recently Divorced

    Retirement Accounts Once your divorce has been finalized, you will also want to make sure to update the beneficiaries listed on your retirement accounts. Many people have multiple 401ks, Roth IRAs, and other retirement accounts, so take the time to make sure

  • Turning the Big 5-0? Start Planning Now!

    Continuing to Save for Retirement. As you close in on retirement age, make sure to max out your retirement plan contributions through an

  • Planning for Future Healthcare Costs

    Healthcare is one of the biggest expenses any person must shoulder, but especially those that are retired discover they are not financially prepared for the high cost of medical expenses, especially when they retire Whether you are just starting your career, approaching retirement, or transitioning out of the workforce If you retire before that time, you will need some form of health insurance to help cover medical expenses The Bottom Line Healthcare spending can easily eat up a person’s entire retirement budget.

  • When a “Fair Share” May Not Mean “Equal Share” | Houston Will and Trust Lawyer

    For example, if you have only one of your children named as a beneficiary of your life insurance or retirement This is because life insurance and retirement accounts are distributed outside of probate court and your

  • College Funding 101

    Roth IRAs Many people associate Roth IRAs with retirement planning, but this tool can also come in handy qualify for scholarships and not need money for college, but everyone could use some extra money in the retirement

  • Dealing with Non-Probate Assets| Houston Probate Lawyer

    In addition, retirement money is a non-probate asset. Harris County probate for your reference: Assets held in joint tenancy with rights of survivorship Retirement

  • Family Matters: Planning Mistakes Small Business Owners Should Avoid

    Without smart planning, all that work can be lost through disability, retirement, or death. Failing to Have a Succession Plan When you retire, do you know who will take over your business?

  • The Importance of Estate Planning for Young Families

    While it is commonly associated with retirement and old age, estate planning for young families is equally creating a will, setting up trusts, and designating beneficiaries for your life insurance policies and retirement Beneficiary designations for your life insurance policies and retirement accounts ensure that the funds

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