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259 items found for "nursing home"

  • Come on, Seniors, Blaze a Trail!

    May is here, and in addition to celebrating the arrival of spring, this month has been designated as Older American’s Month and National Elder Law Month. The theme for Older Americans Month is “Blaze a Trail,” which is exactly what advocates for older adults and their families are doing. The (Carlisle, PA) Sentinel’s article, “Elder Care: Elder law vs. elder care,” says that if you open any telephone book or do a search online, a number of attorneys will advertise the practice of elder law—often thought of as estate planning (wills and powers of attorney) and estate administration (the execution of a will and management of the financial affairs of a person who has passed away). Many times we hear about difficult situations, resolved into neat packages that are each tied with a bow. These are the result of a plan that implements care coordination services in addition to traditional legal services. In many situations, creative thinking and planning by qualified elder law attorneys who are familiar with healthcare and support providers achieves these best possible outcomes. Flexibility and cooperation by service providers is an essential element in achieving success. When obtaining appropriate care is combined with legal and health system knowledge, most family situations involving seniors that don’t fit neatly into a category can be sorted through and resolved by an experienced legal professional. Stress is reduced, and everyone will be as comfortable as possible with the result. Call it elder law or elder care, it often takes both to help seniors blaze a trail in their senior years. Reference: The (Carlisle, PA) Sentinel (April 27, 2016) “Elder Care: Elder law vs. elder care” #ElderLaw #LongTermCarePlanning #PayingforaNursingHome

  • Answers to Question about Long-Term Care Insurance

    A nursing home is a facility that provides 24-hour healthcare, rehabilitation, and personal care services In-home care is when a certified professional visits the home or lives there with the elderly person Finally, home modifications can be made to adapt the senior’s home to allow for wheelchair ramps, railings

  • Important Steps to Complete a Medicaid Application

    home care. home care on their own. Depending on your unique financial situation, your home or other assets may be at risk if you enroll home care. With Medicaid coverage, you must go to a long-term nursing home care facility that is Medicaid certified


    Your newlywed planning will likely include how to finance large purchases such as a home or vehicle. There are special privileges for spouses when it comes to this type of planning. There are also significant responsibilities that come along with this, including the need to make medical

  • Ethical Considerations When It Comes to Estate Planning

    When it comes to estate planning, there are five factors of ethical behavior that everyone should be When it comes to determining what behaviors are right or wrong, ethics is your guide.

  • Planning For A Long Life And All That That Entails

    will designate a person or people you trust to make various decisions on your behalf should a time come Financial Side Of Things You might have noticed that the person given medical power of attorney gets some Planning for disability or incapacity typically necessitates planning for long-term care in a nursing home facility or with some sort of in-home help.

  • Ohio Selected as One of Ten Elder Law Task Forces

    collaboration will have a positive impact on improving quality for residents who call the facilities “home While millions of seniors rely on nursing homes to give them quality care and to treat them with dignity homes place their own economic gain ahead of the needs of their residents. The Elder Justice Initiative plays an important role in the investigative and enforcement of nursing homes and other long-term care entities that provide grossly substandard care to Medicare and Medicaid

  • The Benefits of Choosing a Dementia-Focused Law Firm

    Choosing the Right Skilled Nursing Facility When helping your loved one with dementia put a plan in place It is very likely your loved one with dementia may need to be placed into a skilled nursing facility, A great dementia-focused law firm should be able to provide you with information on local skilled nursing network of memory care professionals, resources and support groups, and the caring and understanding that comes

  • Victory for Media Mogul Sumner Redstone

    Herzer’s new lawsuit asks for $100 million from Shari Redstone, her two sons, five nurses for Redstone complaint alleges that “Shari and her henchmen” orchestrated Herzer’s ouster from Redstone’s Beverly Park home

  • Houston Special Needs Lawyers: Creating a Special Needs Trust or “SNT?” for Your Child with Disabilities

    Assets in a third-party SNT come from someone other than the beneficiary. to cover costs beyond what Medicaid and SSI provide, like dental care, transportation, and private nursing


    homes. However, today, only about five percent of people have conditions warranting a stay in a nursing home home provides. This type of care involves nurses and health aides visiting the home to provide help with these tasks However, each residence is able to maintain a high level of independence (unlike a nursing home).

  • The Cost of Caregiving

    They can also connect you with local providers for such services as home-delivered meals, transportation Remember that Medicare doesn’t pay for personal or homemaking care, but it does cover home health care for people who are homebound and intermittently need skilled nursing or physical or occupational therapy that is established and reviewed by a doctor, and they must be provided through a Medicare-certified home Long-term care insurance also pays for in-home care, but you may have to wait up to 120 days, depending

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