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446 items found for "funeral planning"

  • Why Estate Planning Is Essential for Unmarried Couples

    While estate planning is important for married couples, it is arguably even more necessary for couples Without an estate plan, married couples would not be able to make end-of-life decisions or inherit from Estate Planning for Unmarried Partners There are no laws in place to protect unmarried partners. Without a solid estate plan, your partner may be shut out of the decision-making and the estate. Call an Estate Planning Attorney Today To determine the estate planning options that are right for you

  • How to Include NFTs in Your Estate Plans

    The Connection Between NFTs and Estate Plans If you are considering venturing into the world of NFTs, With enough forethought, you can include NFTs in your estate plan and ensure your heirs one day gain By creating a digital estate plan, you minimize the stress your family and loved ones experience at the The creation of such plans can also guard against risks like identity theft, fraud, and hacking. An estate planning professional can guide you through recommendations and important next steps to take

  • Starting the Long-Term Care Planning Process

    The sooner you start planning for your long-term care, the better. Read on to learn more about how to start planning for the rest of your life. What is Long-Term Care Planning? What Steps Should I Take to Get the Long-Term Care Planning Process Started? Questions About Long-Term Care Planning?

  • Understanding Capacity Requirements for Estate Planning in Texas

    In Texas, to create a proper estate plan, you must have the necessary mental capacity to execute a legal Is there an already established estate plan in question that concerns you?  a valid will or estate plan. What Happens if a Person Signs Estate Planning Documents Without Testamentary Capacity? Our estate planning attorneys understand the intricacies of trust and estate planning in Texas and can

  • Ensuring Your Legacy Through Estate Planning

    do not have to limit your plans to only financial matters. You can also use estate planning to pass on your values and highlight your principles. gifts as part of their estate plan. estate planning attorney. Protect Your Legacy with an Estate Planning Lawyer in Houston If you are revising an estate plan or just

  • 7 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Include in Your Estate Plan

    Are you familiar with estate planning? Funeral Arrangements Many people don’t consider their funeral arrangements when creating an estate plan However, you can include your final wishes for your funeral arrangements in your estate plan. Instructions for End-of-life Care In addition to your funeral arrangements, you can also include instructions Need Help Creating an Estate Plan?

  • Neglecting Estate Planning Can Be Costly for Your Heirs

    Estate planning is a complex area of the law. The Motley Fool’s article, “Estate Planning in 2016: Here’s What You Need to Know,” shares some of the must-know facts that will affect estate planning in 2016. Because of this, many people have a false sense of security that they don’t need to do estate planning Neglecting estate planning can be a costly mistake for your heirs.

  • What to Know About Estate Planning After a Divorce

    While most estate plans include clauses that cover events such as divorce, your estate plan will not changing so is your estate plan. If you established an estate plan early in their life, it is best to review your existing plan and update Do you plan on getting remarried? These are all things to consider when updating your estate plan post-divorce.

  • Guarding Your Estate Plans Against the Impact of Inflation

    The Impact on Estate Plans Many people create estate plans for the express purpose of providing for others That’s because it has a direct effect on the money you plan to leave behind. The Financial and Estate Planning Advice You Need Inflation is on the rise. and adjust your plans. To schedule an estate planning strategy session and put a plan in place for you and your loved ones,

  • Planning for Your Digital Legacy

    An estate plan often focuses on tangible property such as jewelry, artwork, money, and vehicles. Why Is it Important to Plan for Digital Assets? Planning for digital assets is important for several reasons. If you do not create a plan, your loved ones may learn things that you wish to keep secret. Other estate planning considerations for digital assets include the following: Your estate plan can provide

  • The Inextricable Link Between Long-Term Planning and Freedom

    planning can have a similar effect on your estate and loved ones. You can, however, make plans for how you might handle such incidents. The Connection Between Happiness and Planning The sheer act of planning can boost our mood as well. Think back to the last time you made a plan. Start Planning Now If estate planning has been on your to-do list for a while now, it is time to finally

  • The 4 Top Estate Planning Tips for Business Owners

    * Seriously though, estate planning as a business owner is much more complicated than regular estate planning because you are essentially crafting two plans — one for yourself, and one for your business Below are four tips we urge business owners to take to heart as they begin the estate planning and succession planning process. ICE It Before getting into the weeds, or getting overwhelmed by the estate planning process, think about

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