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470 items found for "financial planning"

  • The Importance of Estate Planning: Gen-Z Edition

    For Generation Z, COVID-19 has been something of a rude awakening to the realities of estate planning While it might once have seemed like a task to put off until retirement, estate planning is now considered As soon as you turn 18, your parents have no legal access to your medical or financial accounts like Without a clear plan for those assets in place, however, their safety could become jeopardized. While you might feel like life is just starting, making plans for the end of your life should not be

  • What Are the New Rules for Special Needs Trust?

    If you are someone financially planning for a loved one with special needs, you are likely aware of how recent legislative amendments and understand how they might impact your existing arrangements or future plans Recent changes to the rules governing SNTs could potentially alter the landscape of your financial planning Estate Planning Under the New Rules for Special Needs Trusts Following the recent legislative changes planning attorneys to explore the full range of options available.

  • Entrepreneur’s Guide to Estate Planning in 2022

    Business Succession Plans Succession planning has become all the rage in the wake of HBO’s hit show “ Going without a succession plan in 2022 is, simply put, a bad idea. is best to seek the guidance of a professional estate planning attorney. The Best Business Plans Include Estate Plans You have worked hard to build your business. Take time to ensure its longevity by creating an estate plan.

  • Create Your IRA Exit Plan

    But after investing and saving with one of these plans for the last 30 years, as retirement nears you MarketWatch, in its recent article, “IRAs are for retirement planning, not for retirement,” suggests If you’re between the ages of 59 and 70½, you are at the perfect spot to start an IRA Exit Plan. Talk with a qualified estate planning attorney when designating your primary, contingent, and tertiary This inability to change ownership of your IRA can lead to gaps in planning for Medicaid and Veteran

  • Estate Planning When You Have a Stepfamily

    could not make you both any closer, so it is only fair that you make provisions for him in your estate plan A blended family estate planning attorney is just what you need. Frequently Asked Questions About Estate Planning for a Stepfamily I married someone with a child but Stepparents will not inherit unless specific provisions are laid out in an estate plan. Consult with an estate planning professional at Your Legacy Legal Care about setting up a trust that

  • Starting the Long-Term Care Planning Process

    Growing older is a fact of life, and yet many families are not prepared to face the financial challenges The sooner you start planning for your long-term care, the better. What is Long-Term Care Planning? We recommend all of our long-term care planning clients begin by assessing their finances, their health Questions About Long-Term Care Planning?

  • Medicaid Planning Mistakes: What Not to Do

    Those who plan well in advance have more options available to them than those who delay decision-making While it is possible to make Medicaid plans without the assistance of an attorney, it is not a good When in doubt, it is best to work with a trusted Medicaid planning attorney from the start. Delaying Plans Another common Medicaid planning misstep? Waiting too long to cement plans. The earlier you start planning, the more options you will have available.

  • Ensuring Your Legacy Through Estate Planning

    do not have to limit your plans to only financial matters. You can also use estate planning to pass on your values and highlight your principles. gifts as part of their estate plan. estate planning attorney. Protect Your Legacy with an Estate Planning Lawyer in Houston If you are revising an estate plan or just

  • What to Know About Estate Planning After a Divorce

    While most estate plans include clauses that cover events such as divorce, your estate plan will not changing so is your estate plan. Beneficiary designations on financial accounts rule over what you state in your Will. If you established an estate plan early in their life, it is best to review your existing plan and update Do you plan on getting remarried?

  • Guarding Your Estate Plans Against the Impact of Inflation

    estate plans. The Impact on Estate Plans Many people create estate plans for the express purpose of providing for others The Financial and Estate Planning Advice You Need Inflation is on the rise. and adjust your plans. A financial planner can also help run a stress test on your estate plans by running scenarios with even

  • Understanding Capacity Requirements for Estate Planning in Texas

    In Texas, to create a proper estate plan, you must have the necessary mental capacity to execute a legal Is there an already established estate plan in question that concerns you?  a valid will or estate plan. inheritance agreement under threat, or a spouse convincing their partner to allow them to handle all financial Our estate planning attorneys understand the intricacies of trust and estate planning in Texas and can

  • Personal Finance Myths Debunked!

    Kiplinger’s “8 Urban Myths of Personal Finance” unravels several urban legends of personal finance that you know that 25% of Americans ages 30 to 49 have saved nothing for retirement and that 59% say they plan The long-term effects can be disastrous if you don’t put away money in a retirement savings plan as soon More than 20% of 401(k) plan participants who are eligible to take loans against their retirement savings while you are permitted to borrow from your 401(k) to make a down payment on a home or in cases of financial

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