Search Results
469 items found for "revocable living trust"
- Helping Parents with Their Finances Is Not An Easy Task
article, “How to assist your aging parents with their finances,” points out another aspect of care giving Their plans may change over time, especially after important life events, like the birth of a grandchild or the death of a loved one.
- How Not to Do It: Spending the Inheritance on Royal Souvenirs and Strippers
Like his mom, son Michael liked to buy war memorabilia and guns. Oh, and he married a stripper.
- Make your 2016 Financial Picture Bright
Be as specific as you can and brainstorm, then prioritize these items by picking your top four or five Move your expenses to reflect your core values while also incorporating the top four or five priorities Include real estate, cash, investments, life insurance cash value, jewelry and cars. Create a summary sheet for your health, life, disability, liability, and long-term care insurance policies Dying without a will can create complex and expensive consequences for your loved ones. 8.
- Watch Out For Robots Taking Over Your Brokerage!
It’s being popularized by companies like Betterment LLC. These will include things like estate planning and tax advice. Reference: Tech Times (November 6, 2015) “Bank of America Wants Robots To Be In Charge Of Giving Financial
- How Do You and Your Spouse Hold Title to Your Property?
Adding a spouse as a joint owner on most assets – like bank accounts, investment accounts or real estate – won’t generally create any immediate tax issues, but adding them to other assets – like a private
- West Virginia Hoping to Keep Medicaid Going
The coordinator said that even a five percent cut would make a difference in services.
- Fred Thompson’s Adult Children Battle Second Wife in Estate Contest
estate, made just one change, which was a change to a contingent beneficiary designation on two term life
- Be Smart When You Say “I Do” the Second or Third Time
Love at any age can throw things out of kilter in a good way, and you want to provide for this new person in your life.
- What If I Don’t Want to Be an Executor?
Your friend or loved one may see you as the person in his or her life who’s most qualified to handle
- Many Claimants to Prince’s Million-Dollar Estate Knocked Out of Contention
Some of the individuals who were excluded from potential heirship in the probate order are five unidentified
- What Assets to Leave to Your Family
But some assets don’t get this step-up in basis—like retirement accounts.
- Sacramento County Cracking Down on Elder Abuse
A Met Life report called financial scams against the elderly “the crime of the 21st century.”