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446 items found for "funeral planning"

  • Epstein Signed A New Will Just Days Before His Death

    two days before he took his own life, accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein executed a new estate plan One of the important things an estate plan does is ensure that the deceased person’s creditors are paid One of the main reasons people use trusts to do estate planning is because they provide a shield from

  • What To Do When Your Parent is Progressively Aging

    Families react to what is going on when it happens, rather than proactively plan for it. Construct a Plan for Long-Term Care Most seniors will need some form of long-term care as they age. It is important to address this plan with your parents. Speak with your parents about plans for how to pay for their care as they age. Planning now can help reduce stress, confusion, and complications later on.

  • What Happens in Probate Court? A Comprehensive Guide

    Overall, having an estate planning attorney to guide you helps the probate process go as smoothly and

  • Becoming an Informed Caregiver

    Eddie planned on scheduling an assessment for his aunt in Houston, as his aunt wanted to prove that there At Your Legacy Legal Care, we meet with many caregivers to discuss long-term care planning for their

  • Answer These Legacy Questions

    If you are married and own property you intend to gift, ask your estate planning attorney to check state This includes retirement plans (401(k)s, 403(b)s, etc.), IRAs, bank accounts, and insurance policies. Consult with an experienced estate planning attorney for help in creating this documentation as part of your estate plan. Reference: Sonoma County Gazette (March 1, 2016) “6 Basic Steps to Legacy Planning” #HealthCareDirective

  • How to React to the Fed’s Rate Hike

    Meet with an experienced estate planning attorney to determine if these wealth transfer strategies make Reference: NASDAQ (December 23, 2015) “Estate Planning: How to Adjust to Rising Rates” #EstatePlanningLawyer

  • Asset Protect That Doesn’t Depend On Your Aim

    your assets and passing them on to the next generation, it is time to talk to an experienced estate planning You can take the law into your own hands by crafting a custom-made asset protection plan that fulfils It is unnecessarily risky to rely on the default legal rules or a cookie-cutter plan you could print

  • Trusts Can Protect Your Heirs from Themselves

    Your Trust Options Depending on your retirement plan and other existing accounts, different types of Estate planning can be stressful and at times emotional process, but when it comes to trusts, an experienced Estate planning can be complicated. If you have questions about the benefits of trusts or estate planning in general, please feel free to

  • Going, Going, Gone: True Gifts Can’t Be Taken Back

    gift from being re-gifted or sold out of the family is to place a condition on the gift in your estate plan

  • Preparing an Inheritance for Your Child With Disabilities

    While an inheritance is a natural part of estate planning, there are a few different reasons that some This special type of Trust is created as part of your estate plan and can actually dictate that the money child with a disability being in a position where they need to survive without them, it is important to plan ahead for these types of issues with proper estate planning.

  • Protecting Elders from Danger

    Elder law attorneys who are also well-credentialed in estate planning can assist you plan for retirement


    Estate planning is a constantly changing field, in no small part due to continuously evolving legislation Section 529 is where we get the name of the “529 Plans” that many Houston estate planning lawyers help An interesting note about 529 plans is that they are not considered part of your estate when it comes ABLE Accounts are like 529 plans, but their purpose is to protect those with disabilities. For this reason, they are of particular interest lawyers who plan for individuals with disabilities.

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