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424 items found for "guardian of the estate"

  • Estate Plan Vs. Will: What’s the Difference?

    Think of a will as a small part of a comprehensive estate plan. Let’s discuss an estate plan vs. a will. are just a few assets that could form part of your estate. Your Houston Estate Plan Might Need a Trust Trusts form a vast portion of estate planning. Expand Your Estate Plan With a Houston Estate Planning Attorney We offer complete estate planning services

  • 6 Estate Planning Strategies Following COVID-19

    Having a Designation of Guardian in place means that you do not have to wait for the court to make any decisions you wanted to make in the first place, as the court may choose someone you do not want to be the guardian A Designation of Guardian eliminates this uncertainty and removes the need for the often slow-moving You may be thinking that you are unable to make an estate plan until everything calms down, but an estate You can update your estate plan at any time, and more than once.

  • Be Organized and Ready When Meeting With Your Houston Trust and Estates Attorney

    Estate planning does not have to be a long, complicated process. this completed, the sooner your estate plan will be finalized. You will also want to determine who will inherit your estate. Also, if you have someone in mind to act as the executor, guardian for minor children, or medical power #estateplanning #Houstonestatesandtrustsattorney #Trusts

  • Understanding an Estate Plan Versus a Wealth Transfer Plan

    Fewer than half of adult Americans have estate planning documents. For those who die without a will or trust, their state laws determine to whom estate assets pass. If you don’t have estate planning documents, then your family will be exposed to unnecessary court fees The proper estate planning documents can speed the probate process, decrease costs and help maintain Plan” #AssetProtection #EstatePlanningLawyer #WealthTransferPlan #Inheritance #Wills #Trusts

  • How Will the Greatest’s Estate Planning Match Up in Probate?

    Nonetheless, Investment News says in “How will Muhammad Ali’s estate play out?” Ali’s estate is estimated to be worth somewhere between $50 million and $80 million. estate would only be subject to the federal 40% tax rate on estate values exceeding the $5.45 million Reference : Investment News (June 9, 2016) “How will Muhammad Ali’s estate play out?” #AssetProtection #EstatePlanningLawyer #ProbateAttorney #ProbateCourt #Inheritance #TaxPlanning

  • Estate Issues Look to be Settled for Media Mogul Redstone

    With that, his two girlfriends were set as the principal beneficiaries of his personal estate. #AssetProtection #WillChanges #ProbateCourt #Inheritance #Wills #estateplanning

  • Neglecting Estate Planning Can Be Costly for Your Heirs

    Estate planning is a complex area of the law. must-know facts that will affect estate planning in 2016. estate property to heirs free of tax up to a certain limit. In addition to the federal estate taxes, many states have their own gift and estate taxes. #HoustonAssetProtection #EstateTax #HoustonEstatePlanning #GiftTax #Portability #TaxPlanning

  • Changes are Happening All the Time: Keep Your Estate Plan Current

    After putting it off for as long as humanly possible, you’ve finally completed and implemented your estate That once perfect estate plan may not be a “10” any more. It could be a change in: Estate valuation: The value of your estate may have changed significantly, Death of a trustee, executor or a guardian: If one of the individuals you designated dies or changes #Guardianship #EstatePlanningLawyer #WillChanges #Inheritance #Wills #Trusts

  • How to Remove Someone from a Life Estate

    Understanding Life Estates A life estate is a unique type of property ownership. Grounds for Life Estate Removal Removing someone from a life estate is not a simple process. The Role of Courts in Life Estate Conflicts Courts play a key role in resolving life estate conflicts Tax Implications of Altering a Life Estate Removing someone from a life estate can trigger capital gains life estate removal.

  • Powerful Estate Planning Tools for Charitable Giving

    Here are just a few of the most powerful estate planning tools you can use when considering your charitable Legal Care at (281) 885-8826 or click here to schedule a meeting with our experienced elder law and estate

  • Make Retirement More Fun with Estate Planning

    The words “fun” and “estate planning” are not typically used in the same sentence. Most people see estate planning as a chore to muddle through. Support Your Favorite Cause As you get your estate plans in order, consider your favorite charities, Your legacy is important, and thanks to estate plans, your impact can be felt for many years to come. This is especially true when it comes to estate planning.

  • Why You Should Have an Estate Plan

    One way to ensure that your assets go to the people you want is to have a comprehensive estate plan to assistance of an estate planning or elder law attorney. Let’s look at why you should have an estate plan and what could happen if you do not. , then you should have an estate plan that states so. Estate planning is important for everyone.

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