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278 items found for "financial fraud"

  • When a “Fair Share” May Not Mean “Equal Share” | Houston Will and Trust Lawyer

    Other times, we have seen clients with one financially established child that does not need a large inheritance as well in life (possibly suffering a divorce, spousal death, or bankruptcy) and requires a little financial We have also had cases where the client’s child was unable to properly handle their finances , and the

  • What Are the New Rules for Special Needs Trust?

    If you are someone financially planning for a loved one with special needs, you are likely aware of how These legal tools serve to provide financial security for your loved ones while preserving their eligibility Recent changes to the rules governing SNTs could potentially alter the landscape of your financial planning The Basics of Special Needs Trusts A special needs trust is designed to provide financial support for shift corrects a historical oversight and empowers those with disabilities to take charge of their financial


    Love does not always last, and the financial implications of ending a relationship can be devastating Other Reasons to Consider a Prenup in a Second Marriage Not only is a divorced person more aware of the financial headache that comes along with ending a marriage, they are also more in tune with the fact that finances

  • Making Your Wealth Last for Generations

    How do you turn a successful business into a financial legacy that will empower your family for generations Great-Great-Grandchildren,” reports that some families invest substantial time and energy into designing a financial Preserving and protecting financial wealth requires a sound understanding of, as well as a solid plan Studies have shown that as a result of these forces, financial wealth often doesn’t last beyond the third

  • Houston Estate Lawyer Answers, “How Does a Power of Attorney Document Work?"

    Do I have the authority to make medical or financial decisions for the grantor? Or both? You can have either a financial or medical power of attorney. You may have already guessed but a financial power of attorney has authority over your financial matters While it is possible that you have been granted the power to make both medical and financial decisions

  • Estate Planning Tips for Power Couples

    A Forbes article, “Wealth Planning For Couples: How to Wisely Merge Your Financial Plans,” says that if you’re an adult with accumulated assets, you need to approach the financial side of your marriage Each spouse should sign a financial durable power of attorney to allow access to retirement accounts Even if a couple doesn’t combine all their assets, they should mesh their financial plans to avoid future Reference: Forbes (November 27, 2015) “Wealth Planning For Couples: How To Wisely Merge Your Financial

  • Encourage Your Parents to Meet with a Houston Elder Law Attorney Early to Avoid Serious Complication

    Many elderly individuals tend to be very private about their finances. Or, they may be embarrassed that their financial situation is not what they wanted it to be. Not having access to financial information is a great deal of stress on adult children who are suddenly Planning early will give them the opportunity to make their own decisions about the future of their finances

  • Planning for All Generations Starts Now

    The beginning of the year is a great time to set financial goals, take stock and make adjustments. Financial planning issues, however, can vary according to age. financial planning guide for different stages of life and the transitions faced along the way. Establishing good financial habits can pay big dividends in the future. Gen Xers are navigating a financial world filled with competing demands.

  • The Three Top Fears in Retirement

    Getting your finances in order prior to retirement may seem daunting. Nonetheless, preparation is the key to designing the kind of financial plan necessary to allow you to live a financially secure retirement.

  • How to Pay for Long-Term Care Without Long-Term Care Insurance

    This can leave you and your family in a precarious financial situation. These programs can provide financial assistance and support services. Legal and Financial Planning for Long Term Care Legal and financial planning is a crucial part of preparing This includes financial decisions and health care decisions. Consulting with Financial Planners and Elder Law Attorneys Consulting with a financial planner or elder

  • Family Matters: Planning Mistakes Small Business Owners Should Avoid

    Disability insurance policies help ensure that your family is taken care of financially while you are Mixing Business and Personal Finances Many family-run businesses start small. company out of your basement or garage, it can be easy to forget to separate your business and personal finances Nip this problem in the bud by setting up business accounts that keep your personal finances out of your company finances.

  • Guarding Your Estate Plans Against the Impact of Inflation

    By understanding how inflation affects our finances, we can begin to guard against its impact on our If financial stability for your spouse, children, grandchildren, or disabled loved one matters to you The Financial and Estate Planning Advice You Need Inflation is on the rise. A financial planner can also help run a stress test on your estate plans by running scenarios with even

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