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Search Results

393 items found for "scams on elderly"

  • What to Donate and Who Should Do It

    property for which you plan to claim a deduction is greater than $5,000—or if the deduction for any one You can’t donate that old plaid sofa in the basement—the one that no one would ever use—just to get it If the amount you are donating to one organization is more than $250, you’ll need a written receipt itemizing

  • Should I Pre-Plan and Pre-Pay for my Funeral Expenses in Texas?

    pre-plan their funeral so that they can relieve their loved ones of the burden of doing so when they

  • A Hard Look at IRAs as Beneficiaries

    Just one beneficiary who can’t be ascertained as a designated beneficiary can disqualify the entire trust If there are multiple beneficiaries, the oldest one’s life expectancy will be used to determine required

  • How Not to Do It: Spending the Inheritance on Royal Souvenirs and Strippers

    Mother and son turned on each other, one family member went to prison and tarnished a name once associated

  • Just in Case: Designate a Guardian for Your Children Today

    Selecting a potential guardian is an emotional decision—and a very important one. Remember, if you don’t name a guardian, the state will choose one for you. Then your spouse and you can discuss each one from a practical perspective, as well as an emotional one It’s one thing to ask someone to care for your kids and another to ask them to support them.

  • Retirement Tips and Answers to Tough Questions

    happens, and people wonder if they need to throw away their wills and powers of attorney and draw up new ones A will that is valid in your current state (one that was created and signed in accordance with that state Why take the chance that a power of attorney in one state might not pass muster in another?

  • Make your 2016 Financial Picture Bright

    specific, separate savings accounts for some of your goals to ensure that you won’t raid savings for one liability, and long-term care insurance policies and include expirations dates and the basics for each one If you don’t have a will, ask the attorney to draft one ASAP. Dying without a will can create complex and expensive consequences for your loved ones. 8.

  • Attention Gen Xer’s: Mid-Life Planning is Calling

    One way to become debt-free is to increase your principal payments. If you don’t already have a Roth IRA account, consider adding one for tax-free income in retirement.

  • Secure Intellectual Property Rights for Your Estate

    One idea is a life insurance policy purchased and owned by an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT)

  • Want Estate Planning? No, You Need It!

    Daily News recently published an article, entitled “Estate Planning – It’s a Need,” that explained how one

  • Don’t Use Your Will for Business Succession

    For instance, the interest of one family member may be different than other family members.

  • Make Lower RMDs When Your Retire

    Tax-Smart Ways to Lower Your RMDs in Retirement,” says that unlike dubious foreign tax shelters, this one

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