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393 items found for "scams on elderly"

  • The Technologies That Will Transform Estate Planning Forever

    To learn more about how you can conveniently establish an estate plan to protect your loved ones, call ) 218-0880, or click here to schedule your strategy session with an experienced estate planning and elder

  • What is Trust Administration, and When Should You Get Professional Help?

    Getting named successor trustee for a loved one’s trust is an honor.

  • Long-Term Care Facilities Required to Request Guardianship Orders

    When a loved one becomes mentally or physically incapacitated and unfit to care for themselves on their When this happens, family members and loved ones can legally request to be named as “guardians” of the This is a large responsibility and one that helps ensure there is a competent adult making decisions The Responsibilities of the Guardian Guardianship is designed to be a legal relationship between one The Guardian has a great deal of responsibility when it comes to their loved one’s experience in a long-term

  • Where Do You Think This Millionaire Wanted His Money To Go?

    One indicated it was an emergency contact. One of them admitted they did not know their uncle was still alive.

  • Planning For A Long Life And All That That Entails

    One of the best ways to calm those fears is to figure out who you would trust to step up and help you In order to qualify for Medicaid without spending one’s self into destitution, it is wise to start transferring

  • How to Pay for Long-Term Care Without Long-Term Care Insurance

    Therefore, it's important to contact an Elder Law attorney for information. The Role of Family in Long Term Care Family members often step in to provide care for loved ones. Consulting with Financial Planners and Elder Law Attorneys Consulting with a financial planner or elder

  • Houston Estate Lawyer: 3 Talking Points to Help Your Reluctant Spouse Get Serious About Estate Plann

    estate plan, you can make your wishes known and avoid long and costly custody battles for your loved ones The process of settling one’s estate through the courts is long, expensive, and stressful for your loved ones.

  • Preparing an Inheritance for Your Child With Disabilities

    Inheritances One of the biggest questions that parents of children with disabilities tend to have revolves While one solution, it has huge pitfalls and is a solution that needs to be thought out in great detail

  • Trust Lawyer in Houston Answers, “What is a Trustee?”

    In that case, when one dies, the other can continue to make financial decisions without any other legal In some cases, several successor trustees are named in case the previous one is unable to serve.

  • Estate Planning Tips From A Texas Hero

    The life of Sam Houston is the stuff of legend. Sam Houston’s will As you can read below, thanks to the Travis County Clerk, Houston’s will includes In the name of God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I, Sam Houston of the County of Walker and State To my eldest son, Sam Houston, Jr., I bequeath my sword worn in the battle of San Jacinto, never to be It any attempt should ever be made to assail one of these, I wish it to be used in its vindication.

  • What to Expect During Probate When There Isn’t a Will

    This may also be used when one of the beneficiaries is a minor.

  • Moving Overseas? Plan Ahead.

    regulations are frequently at the country or state level, so insurance that is valid or that can be sold in one difficult to locate a provider whose insurance is accepted (for medical and tax purposes) in more than one These laws are different from one jurisdiction to the next.

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