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393 items found for "scams on elderly"


    As the elderly population of the United States continues to increase, younger people of today face an

  • Focus on Your Retirement with Clear Vision

    Can you believe that Uncle Sam wants some of that money back? Life expectancies are increasing, and chances are at least one spouse, if not both, will live well into

  • Declining the Duty of Being Power of Attorney

    It is important to note that accepting the responsibility of becoming one’s power of attorney does not Sometimes the emotional burden of making decisions for a loved one is too much to bear, while other times What to Think About Before Committing to Being Someone’s POA Accepting the duty of being a loved one’ If you do not want the responsibility but no one else is willing to take it on either, it may be a good It’s better to be truthful now and give your loved one the opportunity to reconfigure arrangements, than

  • Roth IRA or Traditional IRA? That is the Question

    However, there are scenarios in which one option is the better than the other.

  • Who Can Legally Contest a Will or an Estate in Texas?

    There are often disputes between children when one child is set to receive more than another child.

  • Do I Need a Lawyer to Probate a Will in Texas?

    probate attorneys  will handle the proceedings on your behalf so you can focus on honoring your loved one

  • Three Changes You May Want to Make to Your Estate Plan Due to the Pandemic

    documents that is acceptable under normal conditions may cause additional problems for you and your loved ones That will likely be difficult during the coronavirus pandemic because loved ones are often not allowed Before revoking and/or updating your current estate planning documents, be sure to consult with your elder

  • Epstein Signed A New Will Just Days Before His Death

    One of the important things an estate plan does is ensure that the deceased person’s creditors are paid One of the main reasons people use trusts to do estate planning is because they provide a shield from

  • Planning for Future Healthcare Costs

    Healthcare is one of the biggest expenses any person must shoulder, but especially those that are retired If long-term care insurance is not an option due to existing health conditions, estate planning and elder

  • What To Do When Your Parent is Progressively Aging

    No one likes to think about losing his or her parents, but unfortunately for all of us it’s going to that when you sit down for the discussion you can help to make logical decisions rather than emotional ones It’s important to keep in mind that everything may not be solved in one sitting, but it is still an important If your parents do not have them, an elder law attorney can help to draft them.

  • Recalibrating Your Estate Plans After a Move

    Trusts Remain the Same A revocable living trust that was validly prepared in one state is typically honored

  • You Can Create Your Own Estate Plan – But Should You?

    One of the biggest roadblocks for many avoiding estate planning is the notion of facing our own mortality than conducting your own estate plan or using an online platform like LegalZoom, there is certainly one One of the best things that you can do for your family is to ensure that you estate planning has been

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