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413 items found for "life insurance"

  • Pathways to Adulthood for Youth with Disabilities

    For the full conversation on this topic, view the Life Happens podcast episode with Kim and Cynda here We talk about how to do long-term financial planning, how your child can live, work, and build a network Legal Care, we meet with many families to protect the future of their children with disabilities and ensure

  • The Technologies That Will Transform Estate Planning Forever

    technological advances find their way to the industry, we will be excited to implement them and make life

  • Easy Ways to Help Plan Your Estate

    we leave behind, who must deal with the pain and grief of losing a loved one and with legal matters, insurance Create a living trust.

  • Why Having an Imperfect Estate Plan Is Better Than Not Having One At All

    These may include: How long you may live. You can provide differential support during your life, but unequal distributions at death may create

  • What Are the Advantages of A Retirement Trust?

    Proper estate planning can ensure you will stay financially sound well into your retirement while you

  • Careful Planning for Blended Families is a Must

    Strategies include planning methods such as using a revocable living trust rather than a will. protect your second spouse’s inheritance because it’s much harder for an unhappy step-kid to break a living In addition, it’s more effective to disinherit an estranged child using a living trust. A living trust can also be better than a will because its assets will flow privately to the surviving Whether you use a living trust or a will to distribute your assets after your passing, you can also add

  • Family Gifts: What To Do & What Not To Do

    There is nothing quite like working hard for a living and sharing what you have earned with your loved allows individuals to write checks or gift cash values up to $15,000 to as many people as you would like DO Offer Rent-Free Living Want to let someone live in your house rent-free? DO Consult with an Estate Planning Attorney Ensuring you are doing the proper thing when gifting to your

  • Houston Estate Lawyer: 3 Talking Points to Help Your Reluctant Spouse Get Serious About Estate Plann

    Unfortunately, while we stick our heads in the sand, life continues to happen, and our need to create Most people want to wait until later in life before creating an estate plan, but this is a mistake. With an estate plan, you can can ensure that there are guardians named who can care for your kids if

  • Estate Planning During Times of Uncertainty

    We are all living through uncertain times, and dare I say it – unprecedented times. Nobody knows exactly how the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to impact our lives or when it will end. While the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has indeed upended virtually every aspect of our modern lives In fact, events like a pandemic highlight the need for advanced estate planning. Should you or your loved ones pass away, you will want to minimize red tape and ensure your savings and

  • Planning for the Worst: Estate Advice for Simultaneous Deaths

    Unfortunately, though, accidents and crimes sometimes claim multiple lives at once. What does this look like in practical terms? him, and the wife’s heirs would receive her estate as though her husband had died first. Sadly, natural disasters, accidents, and crimes claim the lives of families and their loved ones all By listing your preferences in advance, you ensure your assets are distributed in accordance with your

  • Be Cool! Get Tough and Tackle Estate Planning!

    Like it or not, there are things that need to be dealt with—either doing them ourselves in an organized They’re diligent about reviewing their estate planning documents frequently to ensure that they are up-to-date the following: Estate Planning Attorney contact info; Bank and investment brokerage account numbers; Insurance

  • Be Smart with that Tax Refund!

    Do you have adequate insurance protection? Use your tax refund to cover any shortcomings. assured that you make your tax refund count for the next year is to look ahead and consider any major life Make the necessary adjustments to ensure the money will be put to good use throughout this year and place

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