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Search Results

393 items found for "scams on elderly"

  • Make Retirement More Fun with Estate Planning

    use trusts to do just that, which will allow for more of your assets to be passed down to your loved ones

  • An IRA Trust Might Be Preferred Over Naming Individuals or a Revocable Living Trusts

    One thought is to designate children or grandchildren as primary beneficiaries of the IRA.

  • Estate Planning for Virtual Assets

    Our digital assets deserve our attention – even the ones that hold purely sentimental value. Which ones would you hate to see abandoned?

  • Estate Planning to Protect a Child with Disabilities

    You can also fund special needs trusts with the proceeds of a life insurance policy, or you can make one Your Legacy Legal Care offers comprehensive estate planning services to ensure your loved ones are protected

  • Ensuring Your Legacy Through Estate Planning

    No one enjoys thinking about what will happen when they die, but estate planning can avoid many complications

  • Biggest Estate Planning Stories of 2020

    To make things more complicated, one of Prince’s brothers died in 2019, leaving the court to determine While no one likes to think about death, Prince could have avoided tens of millions in legal and administrative If you’re ready to begin planning for your loved ones, call Your Legacy Legal Care at (281) 885-8826 or click here to schedule your consultation with our experienced estate planning and elder law attorneys

  • Yours, Mine, and Ours: Estate Planning In a Community Property State

    One area of law that is strikingly different in Texas than in other states is our property law. Texas is one of nine states that is a community property jurisdiction. community property unless it is proven that the property is instead “separate property” owned by just one property, and at the end of the day, our goal is always to help you leave your property to the loved ones that you want to give to someone else, please call our Houston office to discuss your concerns with one

  • Is Whole Life Insurance Right for You?

    an “irrevocable trust” to own the life insurance and to be the beneficiary on behalf of your loved ones

  • Younger Generation Expectation of Inheritance No Longer Supported

    One of the most precious gifts that we have is family. Sharing Intentions to Calm Expectation One of the best things that we can do is to deal with issues of Since the passing of a loved one can be an emotional time to begin with, the distribution of that individual By fully communicating with family members prior to one’s passing, and sharing intentions with them, Care, we understand the emotions, confusion, and frustration that can come from not having a plan for one

  • Do You Understand Today’s Estate Planning?

    lifetime component, known as “financial planning,” and a component that concerns the planning for the orderly

  • What a Tangled Web We Weave By Signing Documents We Don’t Read

    One of the questions we ask our estate planning clients is what documents they have already signed that Houston area or bought some other significant asset with your spouse or with another investor, and one Facebook are now encouraging their users to name another user who is authorized to take over a loved one

  • Minimum Estate Planning After Having Kids

    Now it is time to consider one of the most critical things on your “to-do” list after having kids – estate While no one likes to think about the bad things that can happen in life, it is imperative to plan for

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