Search Results
284 items found for "financial abuse"
- Discover Hidden Savings for Businesses and Individuals
The article, “Money-saving financial tips for individuals and companies,” says that the unique feature Reference: Smart Business (December 2, 2015) “Money-saving financial tips for individuals and companies
- Attention Gen Xer’s: Mid-Life Planning is Calling
Don’t give in to the temptation to spend it all on things like fancy vacation trips, luxury cars, or end up unemployed due to a major health crisis, this will help you cover your costs and protect your financial
- Circle that Day on the Calendar!
January 1 (or thereabouts): This is a great time to get your financial house in order. Review your assets and financial plan. Those who are nearly retired should examine their financial plan at least annually, and retirees should
- Make it a Happy New Year Money-wise
It’s pretty tough to be financially healthy if your credit-related life is in the dumpster! Address these financial topics in 2016, and you’ll sleep better in the years ahead.
- Golden Keys to a Successful Retirement
Putting all your money in a CD or money market is safe, but is not going to give you the financial outcome
- Use a Reverse Mortgage to Buy a Home
In addition, it can be a financial tool to delay taking Social Security benefits or to preserve cash. Evaluate the decision to use a reverse mortgage as part of a total financial plan.
- Snoop Dogg Too Smart to Have a Will?
independent trustee—such as a bank or trust company—to serve as trustee or as co-trustee to make the best financial
- Prepare your Estate Planning Now to Help Loved Ones Later
member with the authority of durable power of attorney so that he or she can pay your bills and make financial These designations on your financial accounts, like your 401(k), IRA, retirement plan, and insurance
- Baby Boomer Estate Planning Lessons for Wills, Funerals and Health Care Expenses
in probate or otherwise inaccessible for funeral planning, it can create considerable stress and a financial
- Retirement Advice from TV’s Golden Girls
(Betty White), Sophia (Estelle Getty), and Dorothy (Bea Arthur) shared Blanche’s Miami home out of financial
- Construction Giant’s Numerous Will Changes Cause Chaos with Children
signature: the only witnesses present for the will signing were company employees or officers who had a financial
- How to Afford Your Retirement
you put them together, along with your 401(k)s and IRAs, then you have a more stable and diversified financial