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288 items found for "same sex marriage"

  • Understanding the Guardianship Process For a Loved One With Disabilities

    For example, in some families, an older sibling or aunt may step in and act as a guardian if the disabled today’s legal world, you can make sure that you are taking the steps necessary to keep your loved one safe

  • What Do I Do with My Powerball Millions and How Do I Keep it Quiet?

    Here you create an entity (a trust or LLC) and name it something other than your name. If a reporter gets a hold of the Claiming Trust, they wouldn’t see your name—just the name of the LLC That catch is that some states have requirements when forming an LLC that would identify the name of The details of this trust aren’t subject to Freedom of Information Act requests, so your name can be FOIA requests—don’t name the Bridge Trust with personal information.

  • Pop Songstress’ Estate Arguing over $11 Million Dollar Tax Bill

    Some of the money that’s owed is from Whitney’s song and performance royalties. for the increase, but it shows that the IRS means business and will continue to pursue money from the name

  • How Not to Do It: Spending the Inheritance on Royal Souvenirs and Strippers

    Oh, and he married a stripper. When the well ran dry, the family started to fight. Mother and son turned on each other, one family member went to prison and tarnished a name once associated This tragedy provides some lessons for the rest of us. Everybody needs estate planning in some form or another—it doesn’t need to be complex in many situations Estate planning is sometimes 95% social work and 5% legal, some attorneys say.

  • Want Estate Planning? No, You Need It!

    What if a person named in the will needs to be removed later? In addition, it can save time and expense when settling an estate.

  • Complete a Complete Estate Plan

    If you don’t spend every last dollar you have to your name on the day you die, you’ll need to have an

  • Former Vanity Fair Contributing Editor Makes Headlines with Estate Dispute

    The 63-year-old Wolff, who is married, is also the father of a baby with a much younger TV personality two stole artwork from her home, took a box of antique jewelry and refused to share proceeds from the sale The thrice-married attorney passed away in 2015 at 94. A will contest is still pending in Florida.

  • How to Keep the Vacation Home in the Family

    Another option is to pass down the home through a trust, which can help alleviate some of the resentment You can draft your trust so that a sale of the house can be “forced” if, for instance, a majority of

  • Teen Heartthrob Bieber Doesn’t Want to be “Sorry” When It Comes to Estate Planning

    Bieber also has made some decisions about his final resting place: the singer wants to have a solar-powered by Justin’s interest in his own funeral plans, including his mother Pattie Mallette, who expressed some been making “meticulous plans” about tributes for himself and has been looking at ways to keep his name

  • Many Claimants to Prince’s Million-Dollar Estate Knocked Out of Contention

    testing for Omar Baker or Alfred Jackson, who were listed as half-brothers in the original petition to name Some of the individuals who were excluded from potential heirship in the probate order are five unidentified

  • 15 Ways to Mess up your Retirement

    They need their portfolio to support them throughout the whole time, so some allocation to stocks is More than 75% of Americans over 40 don’t know how much of their retirement savings they can safely spend Typically you can withdraw 4% a year from savings to decrease the odds you’ll outlive your money. Some retirees do just the opposite: rather than withdrawing too much, they don’t take out enough. Annuities get no attention due to their fees and the unscrupulous sales tactics used by some salespeople

  • Easy Ways to Help Plan Your Estate

    Typically, if there’s more than one name on the title, the property is deemed to be jointly held, especially

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