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470 items found for "financial planning"

  • Mom Might Have Dementia, Can She Still Write a Will in Texas?

    steps that you can take to improve your loved one’s cognitive health. many people fail to put an estate plan They understand how all of these things are put together to form and estate plan.

  • Be Brave and Talk about Estate Planning

    Thinking about your estate plan can be grim. Whether you’re creating your first estate plan or updating your current plan, review your estate plan Identify your estate plan goals. Consider what estate planning elements you need. A will? of your estate plan.

  • Family Gifts: What To Do & What Not To Do

    savings plan. an experienced estate planning attorney to help carefully execute a tax plan. With proper planning, it is easy to come in well under the exclusion limits. It is no wonder that so many financial gifts aim to help first-time homebuyers put money down on their friends or family members will pay off in the grand scheme of planning ahead.

  • You Bet Your Life There’s Value in Life Insurance

    uber-wealthy business owners, their life insurance wasn’t effectively integrated with their estate plans Don’t forget to speak with your estate planning attorney to make sure that the insurance you have is

  • Retirees Help Us Learn from Mistakes

    As you get nearer to retirement, there is more pressure to plan ahead. When you retire, your amount of financial risk needs to change. Spending too much, planning too little and enjoying too late. Unfortunately, they don’t have a plan to address their income needs, so they withdraw too much too fast This requires planning ahead, which is far better than living with regrets.

  • New Hampshire Sets Up Special Prosecutor for the Protection of Seniors

    become more important since the passage last year of a new chapter in the state’s criminal code making financial

  • Taking Care of Your Furry Friends When You Die

    Pet trusts and estate plans can be created to help your pets—along with some other legal options. A little planning can go a long way to give pet owners peace of mind. Talk to an estate planning attorney about pet trusts and estate planning.

  • A Few Words of Advice for Getting Married in Your Golden Years

    A late marriage can mess up your previous plans for your estate, personal finances, as well as any advance They just need to be aware of the impact it may have on their plans. Those who marry later in life must face several estate planning issues younger couples don’t.

  • What To Do When Your Parent is Progressively Aging

    Families react to what is going on when it happens, rather than proactively plan for it. Construct a Plan for Long-Term Care Most seniors will need some form of long-term care as they age. It is important to address this plan with your parents. Speak with your parents about plans for how to pay for their care as they age. Planning now can help reduce stress, confusion, and complications later on.

  • Jayhawk State Has Special Estate Recovery Rules

    Medicaid officials as “exempt” property—to include one vehicle, limited life insurance, a home, a funeral plan Talk to a qualified elder law attorney who is familiar with how to plan for the possibility of estate

  • How Much Does Probate Cost in Texas?

    Understanding the potential costs allows proper planning and budgeting. Juggling these different factors can be a lot to handle, adding emotional and financial stress to an probate, there are several options: Living trusts transfer property outside of probate but require planning An estate planning attorney can advise whether these probate avoidance strategies make sense for your The experienced estate planning attorneys at Your Legacy Legal Care are here to guide you through this

  • Former Vanity Fair Contributing Editor Makes Headlines with Estate Dispute

    The 63-year-old Wolff, who is married, is also the father of a baby with a much younger TV personality. He now is also a defendant in the new Manhattan civil suit with his estranged spouse, attorney Alison Anthoine. Wolff was under the impression that he’d settled a suit with his 93-year-old mother-in-law and his wife’s three siblings in 2011 over family real estate, as reported in The New York Post article, “Ex-Vanity Fair editor tangled in $6M legal battle with in-laws.” The settlement allows matriarch Edith Anthoine to live in the one-bedroom apartment until she dies, with access for Alison permitted two times a year. The settlement was reached after a judge found there was evidence supporting Edith’s claims that she’d swapped a four-bedroom on Lexington Avenue and 77th Street with Michael and Alison in exchange for her one-bedroom apartment. Edith claims the two later attempted to evict her, which resulted in her suffering a heart attack. Nina, Robert, Nelson and mother Edith Anthoine are suing Wolff and Alison. They claim the two stole artwork from her home, took a box of antique jewelry and refused to share proceeds from the sale of a $1.85 million Manhattan apartment. Alison, who lives apart from Wolff, visited her mother’s home in June 2015 to photograph artwork. This escalated to violence with Alison grabbing her sister’s arm and hitting her mother’s hand, according to court papers. The lawsuit says the two “have stolen millions to support their lavish lifestyles.” The papers petition the court to disbar Alison—in addition to the $6 million in damages. The family has been fighting over the multimillion dollar estate of Alison’s father, the late Columbia Law School Professor Robert Anthoine. The thrice-married attorney passed away in 2015 at 94. A will contest is still pending in Florida. “These defendants have been the ultimate recipients of their parents’ bounty, in every way, and they represent an unchecked greed that has swept the society,” the New York suit says. Wolff said he didn’t know about the lawsuit. Reference: New York Post (September 12, 2016) “Ex-Vanity Fair editor tangled in $6M legal battle with in-laws” #CelebrityEstates #estateplanning #WillContest

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