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259 items found for "nursing home"

  • The Three Top Fears in Retirement

    The average cost of a semi-private room in a nursing home is about $6,200 per month, while assisted living It will pay for a short stay in a skilled nursing facility after a hospitalization, but it won’t pay

  • Houston Estate Planning for the Chronically Ill

    Contact A Houston Estate Planning Attorney Even if you are (or have a loved one) currently in a nursing home, there may still be options! 

  • Estate Plan Vs. Will: What’s the Difference?

    Essential Components of an Estate Plan Your cars, bank accounts, stock portfolios, homes, and business A will only comes into effect after your passing, leaving your elder years unaccounted for. As we age, some of us will eventually need to consider moving into a nursing home or assisted living medical help to those on a low income or 65 years of age or older, while being the biggest payer of nursing home services in the nation.

  • What Is Asset Protection? Who Am I Protecting My Assets From?

    For the most part, we consider a person’s needs to determine the best angle or solution when it comes clients typically seek to protect money from expenses that can deplete funds such as arrangements in a nursing home for a spouse or themselves. Many clients have asset protection due to high-risk jobs such as attorneys, dentists, nurses, doctors In Texas, it is a privilege that a lot of assets are automatically protected, such as your homestead,

  • Can You Believe That 10,000 Baby Boomers Turned 65 Today?

    home costs running more than $82,000 per year for a semi-private room. No. 4: Medicaid can’t touch my home. Not necessarily. Most states’ probate laws include real and personal property, such as a home, in the estate. Medicaid won’t make your spouse sell your home after you die, but it may put a lien on your house in Your state may also allow other options to protect your home.

  • Are My Retirement Assets Protected From Creditors?

    Our Texas bankruptcy laws are better than the federal ones when it comes to protections, but retirement There are still some problems with protecting them from it, depending on whether you are receiving required When we think about asset protection, we think more about protecting the spouse at home after the other spouse goes into a nursing home and making sure that they don’t go bankrupt taking care of their loved Sometimes, the more complicated we make it, the easier it is to give you some credit protection.

  • Starting the Long-Term Care Planning Process

    It is important to some people that they remain at home throughout the end of their life, while others want to be moved to an assisted living home because they do not want to be a burden on their family. Included in these options are long-term care insurance, nursing home Medicaid planning, asset protection long-term care insurance, as our experience has shown that provides people with the ability to stay at home While the government can pay for long-term care in some circumstances, under Texas law to qualify for

  • How to Pay for Long-Term Care Without Long-Term Care Insurance

    On average, the annual cost of a private room in a nursing home can exceed $100,000. Home health care services can cost upwards of $50,000 per year. It can cover a broad range of long-term care services, including nursing home care and home health care Reverse Mortgages and Home Equity If you own your home, a reverse mortgage can provide funds for long This type of loan allows you to convert part of your home's equity into cash.

  • Advance Directive Mistakes to Avoid

    While it might seem convenient to ask a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare worker to oversee the signing If you or a loved one are expecting a lengthy stay in the hospital or in a nursing home and need help Some people opt to list two individuals as their primary agents. This grants them equal decision-making rights when it comes to your healthcare. Arguments about what decision is right can cause stress between the agents, and if they can not come

  • Don’t Delay: Talk about Alzheimer’s During the Holidays

    management can prevent families from having to spend all of the assets in order to keep a family member in a nursing home.

  • The Confusion of Long-Term Care Insurance

    The average annual expense for a semi-private nursing home room is more than $80,000, according to a This means the cost of nursing home care is growing at more than double the rate of overall inflation There are some newer products called hybrids, which add on long-term care benefits to life insurance

  • How to Prepare Seniors with Dementia for a Hurricane

    If you plan to stay in your home instead of evacuating, make sure to stock up on comfort items; activities For a while, before my wife had to go to the nursing home, she loved to wear her jeans every day. When my wife went into the nursing home, I had to get one of those 64-quart containers to fill with clothes and incontinence products, so if the nursing home had to evacuate, every resident had one. If you need assistance getting your loved one with dementia into a nursing home without breaking the

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