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83 items found for "medicaid"

  • Important Steps to Complete a Medicaid Application

    For years, Medicaid has been helping countless people get the care that they deserve. Step 1: Determine if Medicaid is Right For You Many seniors consider Medicaid when they discover they With Medicaid coverage, you must go to a long-term nursing home care facility that is Medicaid certified Typically, Medicaid applications are responded to within 45 days. We can help answer any of your questions about Medicaid and.

  • Planning Ahead for Medicaid

    If you have no assets, Medicaid will pay for nursing care—but only after you’ve spent most of your own The US News article, “What to Consider If You May Depend on Medicaid for Nursing Care,” says that trying Talk with an attorney who specializes in Medicaid planning. Some facilities only have a certain number of beds for Medicaid patients. This might be preferable to Medicaid.

  • Saving the Home with Long-Term Health Care Demands

    the amount of Medicaid funds you receive. within five years of applying for Medicaid. During that time, Medicaid won’t pay for the nursing home. Private funds have to be used. The house won’t be subject to a Medicaid lien. Medicaid is a complex and constantly changing area, so talk with an experienced elder law or Medicaid

  • West Virginia Hoping to Keep Medicaid Going

    Selko is concerned that officials will try to cut Medicaid—although it’s already “a pretty bare bones Selko noted that Medicaid funding helps keep clinics and pharmacies going in the area. According to Selko, more than 170,000 West Virginians have been enrolled in Medicaid since January 2014 There were more than 5,000 veterans who became eligible for Medicaid in January 2014. #Insurance #Medicaid

  • Private Medicaid Managers Criticized for Slow Payments

    One state’s private Medicaid managers are coming under scrutiny for failing to pay bills on time. Iowa’s warning: if private Medicaid managers don’t improve their processes, some service providers could ,” Medicaid covers about 560,000 poor or disabled Iowans. The move to private Medicaid management was approved in 2015 by Governor Terry Branstad. ” #ElderCare #ElderLaw #Medicaid

  • The Three Top Fears in Retirement

    most retirees’ savings fast—long-term care isn’t covered by typical health insurance programs like Medicare Medicaid offers more help with long-term care expenses, but it’s only for those who have low incomes Talk to an experienced elder law attorney about your options, such as a Medicaid Trust. April 27, 2016) “3 Biggest Fears Facing Would-Be Retirees” #PayingforaNursingHome #AssetProtection #MedicaidTrustPlanning #SocialSecurity #MedicaidPlanningLawyer #Medicare #MedicaidNursingHomePlanning #ElderLaw #RetirementPlanning

  • Houston Special Needs Lawyers: Creating a Special Needs Trust or “SNT?” for Your Child with Disabilities

    SNT makes sure that your child benefits from your estate without making them ineligible for SSI or Medicaid Willing them a lump sum, property, or other wealth directly may disqualify them from SSI and Medicaid They are also not used to determine your child’s eligibility for SSI and Medicaid. The trust can help to cover costs beyond what Medicaid and SSI provide, like dental care, transportation Medicaid contributes nothing to the cost of assisted living, and SSI only covers a portion of the cost

  • Special Needs Estate Planning: Basic Strategies and Tactics

    minor or is now an adult – especially if they will one day need to collect any public benefits like Medicaid Plan for Medicaid Medicaid is a public benefit that many individuals with disabilities benefit from, period when applying for long-term care, and any transfers made during those five years may result in a Medicaid

  • Houston Special Needs Lawyer: Basics of a Special Needs Trust

    The loss of specialized care and Medicaid or SSI benefits is a very real danger if proper special needs Medicaid and SSI will ignore the assets in the Special Needs Trust as they are not directly owned by These expenses are considered “non-countable” by Medicaid and SSI since they do not count as the special

  • Create a Road Map for the Care of Your Special Needs Child

    For example, an adult child receiving Supplemental Security Income is eligible for Medicaid-based services Be aware that government caseworkers may mistakenly suspend the beneficiary’s Medicaid eligibility. Kiplinger’s (December 2015) “Create a Plan for an Adult Child with Disabilities” #PayingforaNursingHome #MedicaidPlanning

  • How to Pay for Long-Term Care Without Long-Term Care Insurance

    Medicare and Medicaid are the two primary government programs that can help with long term care. Medicare: What It Covers and What It Doesn't Medicare is a federal program that provides health coverage Medicaid: Eligibility and Coverage for Long Term Care Medicaid is a program by the federal and state However, eligibility for Medicaid  is complex. They can also discuss the chance of Medicaid reclaiming funds from your estate.

  • Estate Plan Vs. Will: What’s the Difference?

    areas to assist with estate plans: Wills Business succession Trusts Probate Elder law Guardianship Medicaid Including Medicaid Planning in Your Houston Estate Plan Making plans for your final days is arguably Medicaid is solely intended to offer medical help to those on a low income or 65 years of age or older Even though many older adults have income and assets over the Medicaid qualifying limit, using irrevocable

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