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Estate Planning Attorneys

Search Results

277 items found for "required minimum distribution"

  • Irrevocable Trusts May be the Answer to Tough Estate Planning Issues

    Its creation is usually a taxable gift that requires a gift tax return, which can have implications for If the trust terminates at the person’s death and the trust distributes assets to the heirs, your tax There may be regular distributions that the trust makes to you which will be treated as taxable income

  • New York Tries to Simplify Power of Attorney Form

    New York’s law was changed in 2008 and 2010 to require banks and other institutions to recognize legally Nonetheless, many banks and other financial institutions still require that their own forms be used.

  • Advice for Grandparents Helping out with Grandkids’ College Costs

    It is essential to understand the impact of account ownership and the timing of distributions on financial You also need to be cautious when making 529 distributions. Although parent-owned 529 plans are included in aid calculations, qualified distributions used to pay But grandparent-owned distributions are considered “untaxed income,” which can reduce a student’s aid If grandchildren aren’t going to attend graduate school, take the distributions when they are in their

  • Secure Intellectual Property Rights for Your Estate

    Make sure to speak with a qualified estate planning attorney to help ensure the ultimate distribution

  • Complete a Complete Estate Plan

    You should also remember that your will isn’t necessarily the only instruction when it comes to distributing

  • Not Rich Enough to Have an Estate Plan? No Way!

    If you don’t plan your estate, a judge will distribute your assets by applying the state’s intestate succession laws, which may not be the same as your distribution wishes. All of this should be accomplished while minimizing taxes, court costs, and legal fees. A last will and testament says how your assets are to be distributed to your heirs when you die.

  • Want Estate Planning? No, You Need It!

    Estate planning is important and it requires significant time and effort. should consult with an attorney who will have the documents in hand to help guide the process with minimal

  • Planning Ahead for Medicaid

    The bad news is that you may face the difficult transition of requiring nursing home care without having Remember that not all facilities accept Medicaid patients, and they’re not required to accept it.

  • Celebrity Estate Planning Leaves a Lot to Be Desired

    Dying without a will can mean numerous potentially disastrous consequences, like your assets not being distributed

  • Make a Charitable Donation in Your Will and Watch It Work

    checking or savings account funds, as well as stocks owned by the individual who wants to donate, will not require

  • The Importance of Beneficiary Designations

    Retirement accounts—like IRA accounts, 401(k)s, and 403(b)s—require up-to-date beneficiary designations

  • News of Millionaire Maiden’s Estate Shows Need for Estate Planning

    An attorney who was tasked with distributing the checks for his clients—most of whom are from Bulgaria—commented If Mary had lived in Missouri, mostly likely the distribution would have gone to fewer family members Reference: The (Alton IL) Telegraph (January 25, 2016) “Treasurer distributes Granite City millionaire

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