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Estate Planning Attorneys

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284 items found for "financial abuse"

  • Get the Whole Family Involved with Estate Planning!

    These are the important specifics related to financing your retirement. spouse are “singing from the same hymnal”—or in other words, on the same page when it comes to these key financial

  • Understanding the Guardianship Process For a Loved One With Disabilities

    In order to make sure that people aren’t abusing the system and that this legal protection is reserved

  • New York Tries to Simplify Power of Attorney Form

    proposed legislative changes to the current law in order to simplify the forms and add penalties for financial The current remedy in such instances is to compel banks and other financial institutions to accept a However, even if a judge orders the financial institution to recognize a valid power of attorney, the judge still can’t impose sanctions against the financial institution. Nonetheless, many banks and other financial institutions still require that their own forms be used.

  • Be Smart with that Tax Refund!

    If you see that all of your financial bases are covered and you want to go ahead and spend the refund After you get your tax refund, talk with your financial planning team to establish priorities. It deserves mindful financial planning.

  • A “Get Organized” Checklist for 2016

    Organizing your personal finances is especially critical for Baby Boomers who’ve recently retired or The article, “9 ways for older Mainers to get a grip on finances in 2016,” from the Bangor Daily News Review your estate documents, including your will, your medical and financial powers of attorney and Review your financial condition. Examine your overall financial situation by tallying your assets and liabilities, as well as your expected

  • Young Hispanics Need to Start Saving for Retirement

    As a result, many Hispanics rely on Social Security as their sole financial support in retirement. Data shows that they’re also more likely to rely on family for financial support. This can help prevent a financial emergency from becoming a financial crisis.

  • Have Control of Your Assets from the Grave!

    instances, young people believe that’s the case, which is an impediment to getting this last piece of the financial Your estate plan doesn’t need to be fancy, expensive, or complicated. This document lets you appoint someone to act on your behalf legally and financially if you’re not able

  • How Not to Do It: Spending the Inheritance on Royal Souvenirs and Strippers

    t need to be complex in many situations but everyone needs a plan, even those with social problems, financial

  • Not Rich Enough to Have an Estate Plan? No Way!

    In addition, your estate plan should name a guardian and financial manager for minor children, state Also, a durable power of attorney designates an individual to control your financial affairs in the event Another benefit of estate planning is that it forces you to organize your financial records and files

  • Come On, Do I Really Need a Will?

    However, there are some financial advisers that now say many Americans might not need a will.

  • Moving Overseas? Plan Ahead.

    issued some time ago, can usually be kept when you move overseas—but you may see some currency risk and financial

  • New Hampshire Solves Power of Attorney Issue

    An adult aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew of the patient; A close friend to the patient; An agent with financial attorney and ask about other estate planning documents such as wills, durable powers of attorney for finances

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