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278 items found for "financial fraud"

  • Long-Term Care Facilities Required to Request Guardianship Orders

    Once the agreement has been finalized, the guardian is able to make any legal, financial and healthcare senior will be living in, but they will also monitor their experience at the residence and handling finances

  • Trusts Can Protect Your Heirs from Themselves

    legal way to help protect heirs when they receive a sizable amount of money so that they can make smart financial Taking the time to make a trust for your heirs is a smart way to ensure they are getting financial support

  • Protecting Elders from Danger

    For one thing, many of the elderly are lonely and so may fall victim to various financial entrapments He or she can help you take the proper precautions regarding finances, medical care, future government

  • A Few Words of Advice for Getting Married in Your Golden Years

    A late marriage can mess up your previous plans for your estate, personal finances, as well as any advance

  • 6 Estate Planning Strategies Following COVID-19

    of any age, and they ensure that your bank accounts can be accessed if you are unable to manage your finances as bringing unwanted changes to our physical and mental health, the pandemic has also affected our finances No matter how the pandemic is affecting your finances, we are not sure how long these changes will last

  • Houston Will and Trust Lawyer Offers a Checklist for Trustees

    No personal finance dealings with the trust – This one may seem obvious, but it should still be stated

  • That First Child Means More than Late Night Feedings and Dirty Diapers

    It’s the toughest job there is, and being a parent is an emotional and financial commitment. Set your life and financial priorities. To do that, parents need to discuss and agree on a set of financial priorities. A sound household budget is critical to being financially stable in preparation for a baby. A fully funded emergency fund helps you survive a financial storm. Review your insurance needs.

  • Important Steps to Complete a Medicaid Application

    people aren’t sure of how to complete the Medicaid application to see if they qualify for this type of financial Depending on your unique financial situation, your home or other assets may be at risk if you enroll

  • Nevada Proposes Court Reform to Protect Elderly from Predators

    In some instances, those appointed to look after the financial assets of the infirm or incapacitated The attorney general said that he will appoint a fraud investigator in his office to work with local

  • How to Divvy Up Personal Assets Without Splitting Up the Family

    When passing on personal belongings to your heirs, savings, investments, and other financial accounts

  • Pathways to Adulthood for Youth with Disabilities

    We talk about how to do long-term financial planning, how your child can live, work, and build a network

  • Sacramento County Cracking Down on Elder Abuse

    According to a recent article in the Sacramento Bee, titled “Reports of elder financial abuse surge in Sacramento County,” elder financial abuse reports jumped by 72% last year in Sacramento County, California the county couldn’t handle an increase in financial abuse claims. A Met Life report called financial scams against the elderly “the crime of the 21st century.” Financial abuse is the most common type of report received by Adult Protective Services.

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