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311 items found for "transfer home"
- How to Prepare for Your First Estate Planning Meeting
If you are still waiting for just the perfect time to get things in order, that time might never come Get in touch with the office and speak to a secretary to get some information up front. If you have no idea what it is worth, it would be sensible to ask a local realtor to come and take a As with property, it is worth doing your homework before your meeting so that you can turn up with as Will you need to come back in two, five, or ten years’ time?
- Same-Sex Couples are in Need of Estate Planning
With that in mind, here are some estate planning tips. Marital deduction and portability. couples are now able to use the unlimited marital deduction from federal estate tax and gift tax for transfers Some states have their own estate taxes in addition to the federal estate tax.
- Avoid Probate with These Tactics
Fortunately, there are some tactics to implement now to help ensure that your estate avoids the probate Here are some to consider: Draft a Revocable Living Trust. Creating a living trust allows your trustee to transfer your property and possessions to your family When you die, the funds are directly transferred to your beneficiary without going through probate. Also, community property is a way of co-owning property if you are married or own property in some states
- Dangers of Using Generic Estate Planning Tools
In this blog post, we will look at some of the problems that can pop up with DIY estate planning. DIY will, for example: A woman wants to split her estate between her two children, but because her home and investment accounts are worth about the same amount of money, she bequeaths her home to her son
- Planning for Future Healthcare Costs
If you retire before that time, you will need some form of health insurance to help cover medical expenses Consider Long-term Care Options At some point in most people’s lives, long-term care will be necessary Long-term care insurance can help cover costs if you or your spouse need in-home care or residence in
- Golden Keys to a Successful Retirement
. #2: Stop procrastinating: When it comes to deciding on your retirement, remember time is money! You really have three options: (1) avoid risk, which is sometimes possible; (2) transfer the risk to an insurance company; or (3) accept the risk, and the bad outcomes that may come with it. #6: Have proper
- Not On the Same Page? What to Do if Your Spouse Disagrees With You About Estate Planning
Marriage is about compromise, which usually means coming to an agreement about where to live, whether Unfortunately, some couples find themselves in complete disagreement about planning for the future. planning and planning for your future together, consider these tips: Assess Your Finances Together Coming Answering these tough questions can help you come to a mutual understanding about your options for the
- Create a Revocable Trust to Help You Achieve your Estate Planning Goals
your spouse is typically an estate planning goal for couples, as well as ensuring that property is transferred It would be wiser to include a bypass provision in the trust that transfers an amount equal to the federal
- The Do-It-Yourself Will Can Be a Bargain or a Bust
So if you have some ideas as to where your assets should go, it’s worth the time and effort to develop you’re going to try the DIY route, you need to understand your state laws, such as the fact that in some You can create transfer-on-death or payable-on-death designations for checking, savings, and money market
- Not Rich Enough to Have an Estate Plan? No Way!
manager for minor children, state the care you want to receive if you become disabled, make business transfer
- Saving Money with Online Wills and Trusts can Result in More Expenses in Probate
During a face-to-face conversation with an experienced attorney, important issues tend to come out, like providing for a grandchild with special needs or an asset that might be difficult to transfer. He or she will work with you to meet your goals and provide the peace of mind that comes from not worrying
- Do I really need an attorney to create a Will in Texas?
Some office supply stores sell the forms so you can do it yourself for even less. The position of executor comes with many responsibilities and there are often questions that arise. When it comes to creating a will or trust, you really do get what you paid for.