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470 items found for "financial planning"

  • Legal Lingo: What’s The Difference Between A Revocable And An Irrevocable Trust?

    Talking with some attorneys about your end of life plans can be like trying to communicate with someone And nobody seems to care whether you understand the plan you are walking out the door with or are as We go out of our way to ensure that our clients understand their estate plans, so they can be sure their It also preserves your financial privacy since, unlike wills, trusts are not public documents.  Trust Us If you have questions about the different types of trust, or any other estate planning topic

  • College Funding 101

    Planning for your children’s or grandchildren’s college expenses is simple in theory. Most plans take a “set it and forget it approach” to saving. when planning for college expenses. Contributions are not counted towards grant eligibility and financial aid, making them a great option child or grandchild’s future academic plans.

  • Moving Overseas? Plan Ahead.

    issued some time ago, can usually be kept when you move overseas—but you may see some currency risk and financial Investment Planning.  Estate Planning. These laws are different from one jurisdiction to the next. With an international move, your estate planning may no longer be valid, so talk with an experienced international estate-planning attorney.

  • What is Trust Administration, and When Should You Get Professional Help?

    As Texas-based estate planning attorneys, we have seen firsthand the pitfalls people face as they administer But without proper legal, financial, and administrative knowledge, successfully balancing these competing Risks of Using a Non-Professional Successor Trustee Becoming a trustee without enough legal and financial Poor Investment Decisions – Investing trust assets improperly can severely erode a decedent’s financial Without a thorough working knowledge of trusts and estates’ legal and financial intricacies, trustee

  • Life Insurance for a Professional Racecar Driver? You Bet!

    Her parents were in favor, as each lost their fathers during childhood and witnessed the financial stress Life insurance allows us to deal with personal loss without compounding it with financial stress. life insurance, many life insurance needs will expire, assuming that a family is on track to reach financial Note that permanent life insurance creates additional financial complexity and can be expensive. If you have a spouse or minor children, you have loved ones relying on you financially.

  • Essential Tips for Talking to Your Loved One About Your Estate Plan

    Creating an estate plan for you and your spouse can often be a challenge. However, no matter how uncomfortable, it is essential that you discuss your estate plans with your loved Unfortunately, these are two topics that fall under the umbrella of estate planning. If a family member doesn’t agree with you, don’t feel pressured to change your plan. If you ever have questions about estate planning or how to talk to your loved ones about your plans,

  • The Cost of Caregiving

    Or your parent might pay you—either from income and savings or by adjusting his or her estate plan to Whatever the plan, get buy-in from your siblings right away. The services must be part of a plan that is established and reviewed by a doctor, and they must be provided re considering quitting your job, try to work at least long enough to vest in your pension or 401(k) plan Talk to your parents while they are still healthy about their expectations for later care and how they plan

  • Seniors, Don’t Get Taken!

    There’s plenty of financial chicanery that targets seniors. One reason is that older Americans are more apt to have the means to purchase a financial product than often makes them marks for schemes by unscrupulous sales reps pushing inappropriate insurance and other financial Visit if you believe you’ve been misled by a financial If you are talking with a salesperson of a financial product, consult with a family member and an elder

  • Don’t Forget to Fund Your Revocable Living Trust

    Revocable trusts are a very popular and useful estate planning tool, but the trust will be ineffective Not funding your trust can undermine your whole estate plan. accounts, or investment accounts, you need to consult with not only an elder law attorney, but also your financial If you need assistance establishing a trust or updating your existing estate plan, call the experienced elder law and estate planning attorneys at Your Legacy Legal Care at (281) 885-8826 , or click here

  • Houston Estate Lawyer Answers, “How Does a Power of Attorney Document Work?"

    Do I have the authority to make medical or financial decisions for the grantor? Or both? You can have either a financial or medical power of attorney. You may have already guessed but a financial power of attorney has authority over your financial matters While it is possible that you have been granted the power to make both medical and financial decisions

  • The Benefits of Choosing a Dementia-Focused Law Firm

    Choosing the Right Skilled Nursing Facility When helping your loved one with dementia put a plan in place This attorney needs to know the best planning options for your loved one, how to get them qualified for are ensuring that we are not only able to help those with dementia accomplish their legal needs and planning to become a dementia-focused estate planning and elder law attorney when she realized their legal documents and symptoms of dementia, other causes of memory impairment, the different types of dementia, how to plan

  • Celebrity Estate Planning Leaves a Lot to Be Desired

    But that isn’t so, says CNBC in the recent article “Don’t make these celebrities’ estate-planning blunders Signing a will is just the beginning: you need to regularly update your estate planning documents and beneficiaries when your financial and personal situation changes. Mistake #3: No Tax Plan. People forget about personal property in their estate planning, which can trigger lots of fights over

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