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393 items found for "scams on elderly"

  • Family Matters: Planning Mistakes Small Business Owners Should Avoid

    with your families ahead of time, but figuring out a succession plan now will save you and your loved ones you are eager to set your family and business up for long-term success, schedule an appointment with one

  • Administrator Vs. Executor: What’s the Difference?

    Do you know what each one does? Are there differences in their roles and responsibilities? Legal Care™ , we make estate planning efficient, effective, and easy so you can protect your loved ones It is important to note that the person appointed by the court as an administrator is the one responsible understand the legal implications of your choices, draft a comprehensive estate plan, and assist your loved ones

  • Should Inflation Prompt You to Revisit Your Long-term Financial and Estate Plans?

    There is not a one-size-fits-all approach to knowing how much you will need in retirement. One of the best ways you can protect yourself from inflation’s impact is to invest. Schedule a chat with one of our team members today to learn how inflation’s impact on your retirement

  • Setting Our Adult Children Up for Success

    Understanding the Limits of Parental Access The scenario above is just one example of where your access FERPA Laws restrict access to academic records without the student’s consent – even if you are the one Our team at Your Legacy Legal Care understands the importance of ensuring you protect your loved ones

  • Building a Legacy: How to Establish a Family Trust in Texas

    Safeguarding assets and ensuring a legacy for your loved ones are aspirations many share. of Your Legacy Legal Care, let’s unravel the intricacies of these trust and learn the steps to set one , ensuring that you harness the full potential of these tools for the lasting benefit of your loved ones The right trustee brings your intentions to fruition; the wrong one can derail them. 3.

  • Life Insurance for a Professional Racecar Driver? You Bet!

    If you have a spouse or minor children, you have loved ones relying on you financially. And even if you’re not a racecar driver, you face one of life’s most common risks—riding in or driving

  • Make Certain Your College-Bound Kid Has Packed a Health Care Power of Attorney

    You thought you purchased just about everything for your child for college, but don’t forget one more The one signing it is giving another the authority to make medical decisions for them if they become

  • Houston Special Needs Lawyers: Creating a Special Needs Trust or “SNT?” for Your Child with Disabilities

    One of the tasks an estate lawyer in Houston may handle is estate planning for children with disabilities Anyone you choose, including one or more of your other children, can agree to be a trustee.

  • Estate Planning Checklist for the Recently Divorced

    needs: Your Will Even if you already have a will in place, it is always a good idea to create a new one people have multiple 401ks, Roth IRAs, and other retirement accounts, so take the time to make sure each one

  • 7 Surprising Facts You Should Know About Being an Agent Under a Power of Attorney

    Suppose one were to execute a power of attorney for financial matters with more than one agent, one for banking and one for stocks, neither of whom has any authority over real estate or motor vehicles.

  • How to Prepare Seniors with Dementia for a Hurricane

    Staying calm and planning ahead are critical to your loved one’s health and yours too. This will help you if your loved one gets lost, as 60% of Alzheimer’s patients wander. Dale Libby says, “My wife wandered off one time I wasn’t even there. I talk to a lot of clients in my elder law practice, and the goal is to not kill each other while taking We meet with many caregivers to discuss long-term care planning for their loved ones.

  • Planning for Your Digital Legacy

    First, without a plan, digital assets may get lost in the Internet ether and not pass to your loved ones If you do not create a plan, your loved ones may learn things that you wish to keep secret. Social media accounts containing your photos and videos can also have value to your loved ones when you One cyber successor can control your Instagram account, for example, while another can take possession can feel relieved that your digital assets will be easily located, managed, and passed to your loved ones

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