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310 items found for "trust administration"

  • How to Access Safety Deposit Boxes When the Owner Dies

    into the safety deposit box: A certified copy of the death certificate A letter from an executor or administrator meetings between families and/or lawyers so that everyone’s concerns are communicated clearly Establishing trust

  • College Funding 101

    Uniform Trust for Minors Account (UTMA) Want to gift your college student tuition money? A uniform trust for minors account, or UTMA, may be a good option.

  • Make it a Happy New Year Money-wise

    He or she might suggest a trust or other strategies that can save you or your loved ones time, effort For example, a living or revocable trust may allow you to avoid the potentially long probate process ProbateCourt #Inheritance #RevocableTrust #PowerofAttorney #Wills #RothIRA #LifeInsurance #LivingTrust #Trusts

  • Dealing with Non-Probate Assets| Houston Probate Lawyer

    Life estate and inter vivos trust also are considered non-probate assets.   Life insurance proceeds that do not have the estate named as a beneficiary Assets held in a living trust

  • Going, Going, Gone: True Gifts Can’t Be Taken Back

    Once a gift is given to someone as part of the estate administration process, it is theirs to do with ensure that certain family heirlooms or even a piece of property remain “in the family” is to create a trust Putting real or personal property into a trust allows the person who creates the trust to set some guidelines If trustees and beneficiaries are carefully selected, the property may be protected for many years to

  • Who Gets My Stuff if I Die Without a Will?

    this, your best option for dealing with your tangible personal property is to draft a will or a living trust ProbateAttorney #TrustsandEstates #Probate #ProbateCourt #Inheritance #SugarlandEstatePlanning #ClearLakeWills #Trusts

  • Drafting a Power of Attorney That Lessens the Chances of Abuse

    Think carefully about who you want acting on your behalf, as you need to appoint someone you trust to This professional fiduciary can be a bank with trust powers, a certified public accountant (CPA), or a trust company.

  • Out with the Old Junk… In with the New Year!

    Many folks have the same issue with scattered finances: IRA here, 401(k) there, trust account, savings which to focus: Estate Planning: No excuses, you need to have an estate plan in place with a living trust

  • Important Victory for Salinger Heirs

    Thus, under this theory, the Salinger Literary Trust has no right to try to block the book’s publication On the other hand, the trust claims that the Berne Convention is more complicated and the copyright laws

  • Estate Issues Look to be Settled for Media Mogul Redstone

    Sumner recently removed Viacom CEO Philippe Dauman, who was a trusted adviser and long described as Sumner ’s second son, as well as Viacom director George Abrams from his trust.

  • Not Just for Hollywood Stars: Protecting the Farm with a Pre-Nuptial

    While a trust can be used to transfer restrictions and buy-sell agreements to protect the farm, including

  • Who Can Legally Contest a Will or an Estate in Texas?

    Probate litigation can be avoided by using trusts . Trusts are an extremely powerful estate planning tool that can skip probate altogether, ultimately skipping If you are unsure of whether you would like to use a trust, there are other strategies that may be used

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