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259 items found for "nursing home"

  • Should I Fear Probate?

    If a loved one who has passed did his or her homework in advance of death and properly prepared and executed Because of this, some folks chose to create revocable trusts and pour over their testamentary assets

  • Houston Probate Lawyers Answer, “Will My Inheritance Be Taxed?”

    to pay capital gains taxes on the money you made above the original purchase price if it is not your homestead Some states also have an inheritance tax, but Texas does not.

  • Making Your Wealth Last for Generations

    turn a successful business into a financial legacy that will empower your family for generations to come Forbes, in “How to Create a Family Trust to Empower Your Great-Great-Grandchildren,” reports that some

  • 10 Common Misconceptions About Trusts

    help you protect your assets and ensure they are distributed according to your wishes when the time comes While it is true that you give up some control when you create a trust, you can still maintain a significant amount of control, particularly when it comes to revocable trusts. Misconception 8: Trusts Are Irrevocable While some trusts are irrevocable, many are not. Misconception 9: You Need a Lot of Money to Create a Trust While some trusts require significant assets

  • Better Brain, Better Life: Getting Off the Road to Alzheimer’s

    It can be easy for many people to feel hopeless when it comes to a diagnosis of dementia. Out of this difficult time, Tamara realized her passion for helping people and creating hope for the the client can make the biggest difference and to be honest, exercise and nutrition are hands down some It all comes down to how badly you want to maintain your independence and dignity as you age and taking

  • Choosing Legal Guardians for Kids When Mom and Dad are Divorced | Houston Wills Lawyer

    But what happens if you are divorced and can not come to an agreement with your ex-spouse as to who should death and you share custody, your children will be raised by the surviving parent, unless there is some

  • Where Do You Think This Millionaire Wanted His Money To Go?

    They began their search, but were surprised by what they were and were not finding around Brown’s home why it is critical to do more than talk to your family about your end of life wishes, or half-way DIY some

  • Estate Planning Tips From A Texas Hero

    He left home at a young age to live with the Cherokee, led the Texian Army to victory at the Battle of

  • First Time Parents Need to Celebrate by Naming a Guardian

    In addition, there are some important “first time” decisions to be made, like naming a guardian. When it comes to handling the money issues, you can choose someone other than the guardian to be named

  • Make That Required Minimum Distribution go Directly to Your Favorite Charity

    This left some folks scrambling to make the contribution before the RMD deadline. In addition, keeping some or all of your RMD out of your adjusted gross income could help you avoid the transfer money directly to the charity, contact the charity ahead of time and let it know a check will be coming

  • Powerful Estate Planning Tools for Charitable Giving

    estate planning tools you can use when considering your charitable giving this year and for years to come


    During this annual review, you will want to ask some questions to evaluate whether or not any changes When major changes come up, they can necessitate changes in the special needs trust.

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