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470 items found for "financial planning"

  • Reverse Mortgages Are Back in Style

    in a community for people 55 and older in an area they had always admired used a reverse mortgage to finance They also can be a source for out-of-pocket health care costs or other sudden financial needs. only modest savings but little or no housing debt the ability to stay in their homes and can provide a financial Stricter regulation from the FHA and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau—like mandatory counseling Consult an elder law or estate planning lawyer for more information regarding how this might work for

  • Estate Planning for Women | Houston Will and Trust Lawyer

    So, in the case where the couple created an estate plan while both were living, once the husband passes An estate planning attorney may also advise younger mothers to consider setting up a trust for their Whether married or not, many younger women have careers and would benefit from retirement planning in attorney to make sure that your goals align and that your plans are compatible.  We have years of experience helping women in Houston plan for their future.

  • What Will Happen if I Don’t Update my Beneficiaries?

    This is a very important step in estate planning because at your death, certain assets pass to beneficiaries divorce rate than the national average, if you’re recently divorced, you need to do some fast estate planning If, in your retirement plans, you named your spouse as the primary beneficiary, he or she has the right A spouse who is financially independent and wants to earmark the account for philanthropic pursuits may To ensure that this is the case, visit your estate planning attorney.


    Health Care Directive Estate Planning in Houston Texas residents may want to contact an estate planning An experienced estate planning attorney can also help with elder law issues, VA and Medicaid planning These legal documents can also play a crucial role for families planning for the health and financial Each estate plan is unique. sure that your plan accomplishes your goals.

  • Do I Need a Prenup?

    A recent Business Insider’s article, “Ask a Financial Planner: ‘What should I include in a prenup?’ If that’s the case, you need to talk with a qualified estate planning attorney to draft a prenuptial While you’re at it, put all other estate planning documents in place, like a will, trusts, powers of Make certain that you talk with a qualified estate planning attorney. Reference: Business Insider (April 17, 2016) “Ask A Financial Planner: ‘What should I include in a prenup

  • When a “Fair Share” May Not Mean “Equal Share” | Houston Will and Trust Lawyer

    As a Houston will and trust lawyer, I can confidently say that estate plans are not one-size-fits-all Other times, we have seen clients with one financially established child that does not need a large inheritance as well in life (possibly suffering a divorce, spousal death, or bankruptcy) and requires a little financial We have also had cases where the client’s child was unable to properly handle their finances , and the

  • Houston Elder Lawyer: Extra VA Benefits Are Available for Wartime Veterans to Help Pay for Long-Term Care

    Attendance Pension, and it is a 3-tiered tax-free benefit for wartime veterans and their spouses who need financial How to Plan for Eligibility There are strict income and asset requirements that must be met in order Similar to Medicaid, the government allows veterans to utilize financial tools and planning strategies Many veterans are turned away because they do not understand the VA’s rules or the planning available Our attorneys are available to assist you in order to determine the best legal and financial tools necessary

  • Do You Understand Today’s Estate Planning?

    This now includes a lifetime component, known as “financial planning,” and a component that concerns It’s the same when you name a beneficiary for a qualified retirement plan. But how do you get started in the process of formal estate planning? This is the start of your estate planning team. Be proactive about your estate planning.

  • What Are the Advantages of A Retirement Trust?

    However, today, more and more people are turning to individual retirement trusts as a way to plan for advantages, and long-term control benefits than many other retirement options, which can help you and your financial When planning for your future, the best thing you can do is rely on the expertise of estate planning to make certain that you are not only making smart financial decisions for your present situation but Proper estate planning can ensure you will stay financially sound well into your retirement while you

  • Navigating High-Profile Guardianship Matters in Texas: A Guide to Avoiding Legal Turmoil

    The Importance of Reviewing Your Estate Plan Regularly reviewing estate planning documents is a cornerstone Proactive planning involves not only creating a comprehensive estate plan but also staying attuned to Life events such as marriages, births, divorces, or changes in financial status can significantly impact the efficacy of an estate plan. Engaging with an experienced estate planning attorney is a crucial step in this journey.

  • Dying Without a Will and What Happens to Your Stuff

    For all other separately owned property or individual financial accounts, most states award one-third Jointly owned property, investments, financial accounts, or community property goes to the surviving And if you have a more complicated financial situation, a blended family or considerable assets, you definitely need to plan your estate with a will and other documents. Sit down with an experienced estate planning attorney to be sure you cover all of the issues and scenarios

  • Will I Have To Go Under A Guardianship?

    guardianship is a legal process where a court appoints someone to manage an individual’s personal or financial The video highlights the importance of proactive estate planning—such as creating wills and powers of there are an increasing number of guardianships in Texas, many can be avoided by doing essential estate planning Another example would be a parent who is aging and develop dementia, that can no longer manage their finances put alternative systems of support in place with an elder law attorney to explore your options and plan

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