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470 items found for "financial planning"

  • How to Plan For a Kid Who Can’t Handle Finances

    There are some children, regardless of age, who need help managing their finances. child needs restrictions, it’s always a good idea to look into your options with an experienced estate planning done to protect the child from himself or herself, there is really nothing unfair about this type of plan Rather, you might designate a trusted family friend or advisor as trustee, or you could use a financial vehicles and can provide protection for beneficiaries, like a son or daughter who can’t manage his or her finances

  • Pathways to Adulthood for Youth with Disabilities

    It is difficult to access resources, and if they do not have a plan in place, they may not be prepared When should parents start this plan? The sooner parents start planning, the better. The reality is that families struggle to process this transition planning even when the child is 14. We offer trainings on the emotions of transition, school, and legal planning. We talk about how to do long-term financial planning, how your child can live, work, and build a network

  • Giving Grandkids Money for College

    If grandma just wants to help the grandchildren with their education, she could set up a 529 plan for each child and contribute $50,000 to each account. 529 plans are tax-deferred accounts that are used Nonetheless, there’s a special rule for contributing to a 529 plan. If the parent is the custodian, the plan will most likely be deemed an asset of the parent, and this Planning for financial aid can be tough because each school has its own set of rules.

  • Don’t Be Shy: Talk to Parents About the Future

    With that in mind, NASDAQ’s article, “Long-Term Care and Wealth Planning for Aging Parents,” points out some of the most important financial issues, decisions and plans to discuss with your parents: Consider This definitely requires the expertise of an experienced estate planning attorney. Plan for possible long-term care. It’s not too early to start planning for long-term care. The U.S. What’s the plan for when they can no longer drive themselves? Talk to your parents.

  • Top Financial Considerations for Expectant Parents

    Estate planning. Everyone needs some basic estate planning, especially those starting families. Set up a meeting with an estate-planning attorney to help you with this. To decide, ask yourself: What happens to my family financially if I die? Education planning. Consider an education savings account, such as a 529 plan, early on and contribute regularly.

  • Making Your Wealth Last for Generations

    legacy with the assistance of a qualified estate planning and asset protection attorney. He or she can help create a plan that will empower children and grandchildren, as well as generations Preserving and protecting financial wealth requires a sound understanding of, as well as a solid plan It takes careful planning to make wealth last. Talk with a qualified estate planning attorney so that your estate endures more like the Rockefellers

  • You Can Create Your Own Estate Plan – But Should You?

    When planning for your family’s future, it is inevitable that we think about where we will be in five own property wishes better than anyone else, so it seems rather appealing to execute your own estate plan But while do-it-yourself estate planning may seem like a no-brainer, it is important to keep in mind For many people, having a do-it-yourself plan may be better than dying without a plan (intestate). And some situations are just plain inappropriate to choose the DIY method of estate planning.

  • Hold Off Erasing All Memories of Tax Season!

    planning. It’s a great time to review and update financial goals, as well as your plan on how to achieve them. Estate Planning. Look at your estate plan and make sure it’s current. when reviewing tax documents—even though this is a vital part of a holistic financial plan. While many people are on the right track when it comes to their financial plan, there’s always room for

  • Be Smart with that Tax Refund!

    If you see that all of your financial bases are covered and you want to go ahead and spend the refund Plan ahead. Planning for deductions helps you understand how much you should withhold and where you should be allocating After you get your tax refund, talk with your financial planning team to establish priorities. It deserves mindful financial planning.

  • Encourage Your Parents to Meet with a Houston Elder Law Attorney Early to Avoid Serious Complication

    The reason this is so tragic is because by then it may be too late to put a plan in place that would Without a plan in place, the family’s life can hit a tailspin when the elderly parent is diagnosed with The best way I have found to help here is to simply explain to them that by planning their future now Planning now means they get to pick their living arrangements, the type of medical care they would like Planning early will give them the opportunity to make their own decisions about the future of their finances

  • Bonehead Mistakes Retirees Need to Avoid

    However, if you have a careless approach to your money, you can be headed for financial pain. If you’re planning on retiring, plan well in advance. Seek advice from a financial planner or investment advisor. Failing to plan your estate. Who wants to think about and plan for their death when they are busy enjoying retired life? Talk with an experienced estate planning attorney and take care of this ASAP.

  • I’m Retired… Now What?

    We spend most of our adult lives planning for retirement. However, there are those that don’t plan—or don’t plan enough—for what to do once they actually get there Plan a budget and keep to it. A major adjustment for retirees is the lack of a regular paycheck. Calculate a reasonable amount to withdraw from your portfolio annually without jeopardizing your financial Update your estate planning documents.

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