Search Results
152 items found for "elder abuse"
- Michigan Latest to Enact Digital Assets Legislation for Loved Ones
” said a lobbyist who testified before a House committee reviewing the legislation on behalf of the Elder This model law was endorsed by Google, Facebook, the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA),
- What the Heck is a Pooled Trust?
Trust that is right for you or your family, we invite you to contact our Houston special needs and elder
- Some Surprising Expenses in Retirement
You should speak with an elder or estate planning attorney about the best way to cover long-term care
- Younger Generation Expectation of Inheritance No Longer Supported
By relying upon parents, grandparents, and older generations to supply them with the finances to help
- Figuring Out What To Do When Your Family Fails To Live Up To Their Promises
Love can’t give your loved ones the strength or the money they need to care for you as you grow older
- The Confusion of Long-Term Care Insurance
About 45% of applicants age 70 or older were denied coverage in 2014. For those in such situations, experts advise consulting an elder law attorney to see if this product
- Pathways to Adulthood for Youth with Disabilities
We realized that our kids are getting older and transitioning is a hot topic because families are overwhelmed
- Former NY Governor Moving Fast as Executor of Father’s Estate
The $500 million estate transferred ownership of the properties the elder Spitzer acquired, according
- Planning For A Long Life And All That That Entails
Not quite hidden beneath the clarinets is a serious question about what will happen to us as we grow older
- New Orleans Saints Owner in Middle of Estate Battle
That news triggered several lawsuits challenging the elder Benson’s mental capacity to make estate decisions
- Estate Planning for Women | Houston Will and Trust Lawyer
Older Women and Widows Statistics show us that women typically live longer than men.
- What Assets to Leave to Your Family
As you get older, you, your older relatives or both may need to address questions about how to leave