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479 items found for "financial planning for elders"

  • Banks, Beneficiaries and the Best Laid Plans: How Financial Institutions Impact Estate Planning

    We want to believe that our financial institutions have our best interests at heart. years, transfer-on-death titling has become a popular option with financial institutions. That’s because contingent beneficiaries aren’t typically an option offered by financial institutions. Take a Watch-Dog Approach If you are concerned about your financial institution throwing your estate Whether you are looking to craft estate plans for the first time, need help updating existing plans,

  • What to Do If You Suspect Elder Financial Abuse

    know is a victim of elder financial abuse, and how a Houston elder law attorney can help. What Is Elder Financial Abuse? Persuading an elderly person to change their estate plan Signs of Elder Financial Abuse Elder financial Suspect Elder Financial Abuse? FAQ: Elder Financial Abuse What is the punishment for elder financial abuse?


    Estate planning lawyers are in the business of helping their clients create the best financial strategy to do, but a recent survey from Consumer Reports has offered a really good look into the most common financial The 7 Most Common Financial Mistakes 1. Communicating with family – Once you have put together a plan with your Houston estate planning lawyer Allowing it to get out of hand, however, can have a disastrous impact on your financial life.

  • While Not Sexy, Life Insurance can Really Help with Estate and Financial Planning

    In reality, life insurance should be one of the first considerations when people evaluate their financial Life insurance—whether term or whole life—can be used to fulfill various planning goals. to depend on life insurance in general or on any one particular type of life insurance to solve all financial planning needs. Life insurance isn’t a “silver bullet” for all planning needs but is one tool among many to help people

  • Legislation Introduced to Protect Financial Advisers from Calling in Potential Elder Abuse

    Senate to “quickly follow suit,” as reported by in “Advisers May Get New Tools to Combat Elder Financial Abuse.” firm supervisors would be immune from liability as long as they had received training on identifying elder Frequently the best way to deter financial exploitation can be to alert the victim’s family. Reference : (July 8, 2016) “Advisers May Get New Tools to Combat Elder Financial Abuse” #

  • Should Inflation Prompt You to Revisit Your Long-term Financial and Estate Plans?

    That is why it is so crucial to look at your investment strategy and retirement income plan to see if these questions are complicated – here are a few other considerations to factor into your long-term financial and estate plans: Finding Sources of Fixed Income Fixed income sources in retirement will not keep Solid retirement planning makes all the difference when it comes to your purchasing power. By taking an active role in your estate plans, you will feel more empowered about retirement.

  • Your Parent is Hospitalized: Medicaid and Elder Care Planning to Do Now

    What end-of-life and long-term care planning should they do? such as a family-owned business or family-owned property, you will need to consult with an experienced elder Plan for the Future If your parent recovers, a hospital stay can be a wakeup call. Do they have an end-of-life plan, long-term care insurance, and an estate plan? Your Legacy Legal Care offers comprehensive estate planning services.

  • Houston Elder Lawyer Answers, “When should I start planning for long-term care?”

    One of the most frequently asked questions our Houston elder lawyers receive is, “When should we start planning for long-term care?” While it is true that most people living in long term care facilities are older, planning for long-term also elder law issues, in order to create a strategy for long-term care that will protect your family need, contact our Houston elder attorneys at (281) 218-0880.

  • Understanding an Estate Plan Versus a Wealth Transfer Plan

    Fewer than half of adult Americans have estate planning documents. and A Wealth Transfer Plan.” and a wealth transfer plan. In addition, there can be problems with financial and tax planning and poor investing. Plan” #AssetProtection #EstatePlanningLawyer #WealthTransferPlan #Inheritance #Wills #Trusts

  • Retirement Planning 101

    If you plan to retire in the next 20 years, you need to start looking at your options and plan to make Estate Planning. Tax Planning. Have a plan to pay off debts before retirement. Financial Review. Remember to periodically review your financial or estate plans because= situations and laws change.

  • Estate Planning Myths

    There are often misconceptions about estate planning that you should know when preparing your documents Estate planning serves to provide your family and loved ones with protection upon your passing, regardless How Does Dementia Affect Estate Planning? clearly which could significantly impact their legal and financial decisions. Speak With an Attorney About Options for Estate Planning There are many myths about estate planning out

  • Financial Regrets That Will Haunt You Forever

    Financial regrets—we’ve all had some. But in “8 Financial Decisions You’ll Regret Forever” Kiplinger asked financial planners and personal-finance No one plans to go broke in retirement, but it can happen by not saving enough to begin with. Everyone can use a little good advice, particularly when talking about complex financial issues. Reference: Kiplinger (March 2016) “8 Financial Decisions You’ll Regret Forever” #AssetProtection #SocialSecurity

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