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Estate Planning Attorneys

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454 items found for "assisted living"

  • Long-Term Care Facilities Required to Request Guardianship Orders

    attempts to determine if the “ward” is incapacitated and to what extent they are capacitated and how much assistance These policies that are ensuring that both nursing homes and assisted living facilities have legal proof As of September 2015, all nursing homes and assisted living facilities in the state of Texas were required The guardians will not only be responsible for deciding what long-term facility the senior will be living When the nursing home or assisted living facility is fully-informed of who the legal guardian is, they

  • Helping Loved Ones With Special Needs Live Their Best Lives

    From the minute your first child is born, your life changes. It’s cliché, but it’s true. assets a person with special needs has ownership of ensures they will be able to qualify for government assistance outings like trips to a museum or the ballpark. It can really enrich your loved one’s life to have a trust they can depend on for things public assistance Speaking of government benefits, we also help families find and apply for government assistance, and

  • Protecting Assets from Medicaid: How Funding a Trust Can Help

    their families; and the elder generation with expenses related to retirement, nursing home costs or assisted living situations and long-term medical care, if necessary. Long-Term Care With nursing homes averaging $79,000 a year, and many people living in nursing homes or assisted living facilities for three years (or more) on average, the expense can be staggering. If they exceed the financial limits, they will not qualify for Medicaid assistance.

  • Houston Special Needs Lawyers: Creating a Special Needs Trust or “SNT?” for Your Child with Disabilities

    Children with disabilities need ongoing care, including financial care, throughout their lives. father may hire an estate lawyer to create a third-party SNT for his son with disabilities son who lives in an assisted living facility. Medicaid contributes nothing to the cost of assisted living, and SSI only covers a portion of the cost They can help you give your child all the benefit you can provide without forcing him or her to give

  • The Benefits of a Revocable Living Trust

    The Benefits of a Revocable Living Trust: A Comprehensive Guide Curious about how to protect your assets Revocable Living Trust Vs. a Will While a revocable living trust offers several benefits over a traditional Creating a Revocable Living Trust Creating a revocable living trust typically involves working with an Funding and Maintaining a Revocable Living Trust Funding a revocable living trust involves transferring living trust to ensure that it still reflects your wishes.

  • Can You Believe That 10,000 Baby Boomers Turned 65 Today?

    With sicknesses like cancer and Alzheimer’s disease striking later in life, most Americans will require Because life-altering conditions typically happen later in life, many people in their 60s underestimate Private insurance and Medicare won’t pay for assisted living, continuing care in retirement communities Not likely. The average person enters retirement with a median $131,000 in retirement savings. That’s not enough to pay for long-term care with the average assisted living facility costing more than

  • Don’t Forget to Fund Your Revocable Living Trust

    In addition, revocable trusts – sometimes called “living” trusts – are incredibly flexible and can achieve Depending on the institution, they will likely require a copy of the trust in order to ensure the trust , but with the help of Your Legacy Legal Care, our full-time Funding Coordinator is here to provide assistance You should also consult with your attorney before placing life insurance or annuities into a revocable If you need assistance establishing a trust or updating your existing estate plan, call the experienced

  • How to Create a Living Trust in 5 Simple Steps

    mysterious legal entity – the living trust. After you execute all necessary documents, your attorney can assist in recording deeds or property titles Our estate planning attorneys can assist you in doing everything correctly. Is a Living Trust Right for You? Our team looks forward to assisting with all your Texas estate planning and living trust needs.

  • Houston Elder Lawyer Answers, “When should I start planning for long-term care?”

    retirement, it could quickly become cracked and scrambled if you require a stay in a nursing home or need assisted living. While it is true that most people living in long term care facilities are older, planning for long-term Just one accident could place you in long-term care facility for the reminder of your life. If you have any questions about a long-term care plan or would like to discuss the documents that you

  • Your Parent is Hospitalized: Medicaid and Elder Care Planning to Do Now

    What end-of-life and long-term care planning should they do? If your parent has long-term care insurance, check to ensure that it covers assisted living or home health Long-term care insurance will generally kick in if your parent needs assistance with “activities of daily living” (ADL) or has a cognitive impairment. Daily living activities typically include eating, bathing, using the restroom, continence, and moving

  • Starting the Long-Term Care Planning Process

    These days, people are living longer and longer. We would love to help give you and your family that peace of mind, too. want to be moved to an assisted living home because they do not want to be a burden on their family. options are long-term care insurance, nursing home Medicaid planning, asset protection, and Veterans Assistance This ensures that, in the event of an emergency that requires you to be placed in an assisted care situation

  • Pros and Cons of Wills and Living Trusts | Harris County Will and Trust Lawyer

    example: Estate planning versus Asset Protection Healthcare Directive versus Advanced Directive versus Living Living Trusts Pros Ensures privacy, keeps your affairs out of the public record and helps you avoid probate If you own property in another state, a living trust may keep you out of that state’s probate court. Cons A living trust can be more expense to set up initially. You cannot create a guardian for your children in a living trust.

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