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345 items found for "health insurance"

  • Make Certain Your College-Bound Kid Has Packed a Health Care Power of Attorney

    care power of attorney or health proxy. A health care power of attorney is critically important when a child has a health emergency at college Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Your child is an adult, so you can’t call the health center at college and get his or her detailed health The health care proxy is more complicated.


    These allow people to officially communicate their health care decisions in the event that they cannot They cover only health care decisions; other documents can be created to help with financial decisions Health Care Directive Estate Planning in Houston Texas residents may want to contact an estate planning attorney to help them create their advanced health care directive. These legal documents can also play a crucial role for families planning for the health and financial

  • Saving the Home with Long-Term Health Care Demands

    If a senior is in a situation where his or her long-term care insurance is exhausted and the other assets Long-term care insurance is important; however, it’s also critical to review and revise your financial You should also have your will, general power of attorney, advance health care directive or other estate

  • 92-Year-Old Media Mogul’s Health and Succession Plan Closely Watched

    Viacom Chief Executive Philippe Dauman sought to calm investors worried about the ailing health of Executive Redstone is the controlling shareholder of both Viacom and CBS Corp, and his health has been steadily She claims that his health took a turn for the worse in September and that he no longer enjoys his favorite It will ensure that the companies continue to have “professional governance,” including a group of independent

  • Is Whole Life Insurance Right for You?

    Term life insurance will cover you for a certain period of time. This depends on how you want to use the insurance. If the company is a mutual insurer, there might also be annual dividends. Check on the financial strength ratings of the insurance companies you’re comparing. He or she can refer you to a qualified life insurance professional to help.

  • Figuring Out Long-Term Care Insurance

    According to‘s recent article “Understanding Long Term Care Insurance,” the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services defines long-term care (LTC) as a range of services and supports There are several things to consider and several types of LTC insurance to review before purchasing a This is based on the insurance company’s overall claim experience. Many insurance companies will offer LTC policies to individuals between 40 and 80 years of age.

  • Planning for Future Healthcare Costs

    Keep Your Health Insurance Until You Are Eligible for Medicare Medicare coverage kicks in at age 65. If you retire before that time, you will need some form of health insurance to help cover medical expenses Health plans from the health insurance marketplace are an option, as is insurance from your spouse’s To ensure that you plan accordingly, be sure that the health insurance plan that you decide to enroll If long-term care insurance is not an option due to existing health conditions, estate planning and elder

  • Life Insurance for a Professional Racecar Driver? You Bet!

    that it’s a risk that she’s chosen to manage in part with life insurance. a nonprofit founded to help consumers make smart insurance decisions. It’s a rite of passage to buy life insurance before your first race. With term life insurance, many life insurance needs will expire, assuming that a family is on track to Term life insurance can be pretty inexpensive.

  • Long-Term Care Insurance and Alternatives | Houston Elder Law Attorneys

    might need someone besides yourself to start helping with household and personal tasks and/or home health As your loved one’s health declines, you may also have increased medical costs.  One option would be hybrid long-term care insurance. Unlike other insurance option you do not have to prove insurability by completing an application with Lastly, many single-premium whole life insurance policies have an attached long-term care rider.

  • That First Child Means More than Late Night Feedings and Dirty Diapers

    Review your insurance needs. You should look at your insurance coverage. For the immediate future, you should know how much your health insurance deductibles and co-pays will For the long-term, consider whether you have enough life insurance. Parents should also make sure they have disability insurance, which can bridge a financial gap in the The birth or adoption of a child is a perfect opportunity to review beneficiary information on insurance

  • Seniors, Don’t Get Taken!

    The insurance agent actually convinced the man to combine the funds from an IRA with non-qualified assets This story ends on a happy note because an experienced and forthright insurance agent was later able polite and trusting, often makes them marks for schemes by unscrupulous sales reps pushing inappropriate insurance /finra-securities-helpline-seniors if you believe you’ve been misled by a financial adviser or life insurance Standard (January 16, 2016) “Seniors, don’t get ripped off” #HoustonElderAbuse #HoustonFinancialAbuse #Insurance

  • Get a Life Insurance Check-up to Be Sure the Prognosis Is Good

    article “3 life insurance mistakes you can easily avoid.” They cite three common mistakes that can be easily avoided or fixed: Not enough insurance. Of those who do have insurance, 50% have less than $100,000 in coverage. because the insurers will get those records, as well. However, what’s known as “three-corner life insurance”—where the owner, insured and beneficiary are all

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